NOICE - LE VOICE - Verdun project

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$8M to create a network of open innovation spaces in Verdun, Montreal. Open the project overview.


Initiative started by SENSORICA in colaboration with David Lametti, MP from Verdun and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development.  

David Lametti follows SENSORICA since 2013. In January 2016, after the federal election, David invited SENSORICA members to discuss about an initiative to boost the economy in his riding. The general idea was to create a network of open innovation spaces, built along the OVN SENSORICA model, where the local population can meet with entrepreneurs and local companies to generate new economic initiatives.

David asked sensoricans to gather a group of experts from our local network to facilitate the implementation of this concept.

OuiShare MTL was the first network to be included in this project. Alex Bigot, co-founder of OuiShare MTL and OuiShare global connector was invited by sensoricans at a meeting on the Parliament Hill in Ottawa, where David Lametti reaffirmed his commitment to this project.

During the Montreal edition of the World Social Forum we met with other local players and discussed the project, in order to complete the initiation and facilitation team.

Main working doc

Partnership structure


The funding will be distributed to all the participants in the project, based on their roles.

Skills and resources needed

Open space design, implementation and co-management

Open innovation

P2P economics

Community-based approaches and action


Contact us if you want to contribute!


Current presentation

Presentation Verdun - DEC

Past presentations

Verdun project - Fr - Présentation suite
Verdun project - Concept presentation
Verdun project - Fr - Présentation du concept

Project coordination and facilitation

Project folder

Knowledge base verdun_project



Short-term goals

Long-term goals


Phase 1 : Analyzing the needs of the local ecosystem; make the right solution emerge




If you are new to this project, you can join this Forum. 



If you are new to this project, you can join this Forum. 

Active participants from SENSORICA


Open all contributions page
