Tools for Practitioners

Holistic Circus Therapy: CircusAid

Holistic Circus Therapy and CircusAid would like to invite you to join our community using circus and yoga as an educational and therapeutic tool for people with learning differences, special needs and socio-political challenges.

WFOT Ednsorded Certified Online Intensive May 29th - June 1st, 2020

4 contact hours per day via Zoom (16 hours total)

2 self directed learning hours per day (8 hours total)

For learning objectives please click HERE

Fee: €500

Contact for more information


InterAct (Interdisciplinary cooperation in Psychosocial interventions) is a recently completed interdisciplinary project involving occupational therapists, which provides valuable resources for OT practitioners and education.

The InterAct Handbook and Policy Recommendation can be accessed and downloaded for free on their website:

Additionally, the InterAct Educational Toolbox on Psychosocial Practice contains flexible curriculum and modular learning & teaching elements, that can be used by higher education study courses, e.g. in occupational therapy.

This is the link to the Toolbox


Username: Practitioner2020

Password: InterAct