Ministry Menu

Ministry Menu - 2022-2023

Not sure if Our Savior is the place for you to continue on your spiritual journey?
Join us for one of our many fellowship activities and get to know us and what we're all about.

Appetizing Fellowship Activities

Sunday Coffee Hours Each week after Worship Services

After worship, stop downstairs in our fellowship hall for a bite to eat, and a time to catch up with friends,
or make new ones.

5th Sunday Fellowship 5th Sundays of the Month

When there are Five (5) Sundays in a month, we join with our sister congregation, Redeemer Lutheran, in Newton,
for a special worship service and a time of fellowship and fun afterwards. The location alternates between
Stanhope and Newton.

Anniversary Dinner Annually, date TBD

Our Savior has been going strong for almost 70 years, so each year we have a formal, sit-down dinner where we
look back over what we have done and what, by God's grace, we'll do in the years ahead.
This is hosted by our Ladies' Guild.

Romeo Club 2nd Wednesday of the month

A men’s fellowship lunch for older members - Retired Old Men Eating Out. An informal gathering at a local eatery
(venue changes monthly) just to “get out of the house” and enjoy a meal with one’s peers.

LWML/Ladies' Guild 1st Saturday/month

As an auxiliary organization of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Lutheran Women's Missionary League
(LWML) exists to equip women and support the outreach efforts of our church both at home and abroad. Mites
(spare change) are collected, and then pooled to fund various mission endeavors. We also meet to build one another
up, study God's Word, and just have fun.

Worship Entrees

This is Feast of Victory for our God, Alleluia. Sunday mornings and other times throughout the year we gather as God's people through the Waters of Baptism to hear HIS Word, receive Christ's Body and Blood through the Sacrament of the Altar, and respond to these gifts with our prayers, thanks, and praise. This is the very core of Who we are as a Church.

Divine Service Sundays 9 AM or 10:45 AM

Each week God's people gather around Word and Sacrament (the gifts of God for the people of God, ) From May to
October we worship while it is still cool outside at 9 AM, and from November to April we worship at 10:45 AM.

Midweek services Advent & Lent

During the weeks leading up to the two biggest events in the Church year, we have special services to prepare for
the holy days of Christmas and Easter. Currently, our services are Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM.

5th Sunday Celebrations 5th Sunday of the month

Months where there is a 5th Sunday, we join with our sister church for a larger scale worship experience. We
alternate hosting services between Our Savior, Stanhope and Redeemer, Newton. Services are at 10 AM.


Our Savior is blessed with many fine singers, and adult vocal choir, a bell choir, and various other instrumentalists
and soloists who enhance our worship experiences on a regular basis. We encourage everyone to use whatever
gifts they have been blessed with.

Bible Study sides

Bible study goes hand-in-hand with worship, and it's important that we be "People who are in the Word" on a regular basis.

Therefore, we offer the following:

Wednesday Night Zoom studies Wednesday 7PM

This Bible study takes place online and covers a variety of topics. Sometimes, we'll go through one of the books of the Bible, sometimes
we'll take take up particular theme, and other times walk through some of the great classics of Christian literature.
To access ZOOM Table Talk sessions go to and select 'Table Talk'

Monday Prayer group Monday evenings

This women's bible Study group meets online for fellowship, prayer, and study of various topics. All are invited to log on.

Confirmation Class Tuesdays 6:30 PM

While designed for those seeking full confirmed membership within the congregation, all are welcome to join in this
in-person study of Luther's Small Catechism and explanation. We hit the six (6) chief parts of Christian doctrine as
well as how this 1526 book applies to 21st Century America.

Sweet Acts of Service

The Church is not a club or a place to "serve us," but a place for service. All our ministries exist "to equip the saints for works of service." (Eph. 4:12) Our LORD has given us the promise that "whatever you did unto the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it unto me." (Mt. 25:40) So, we invite you to join us in discovering the sweet desserts of helping others.

Manna House

Manna House is located on the grounds of The 1st Presbyterian of Newton and serves as our local soup kitchen. Here, we
volunteer the third Thursday of each month (though other times would welcome the help as well) to feed the hungry
and offer the consolation of a warm welcome to those who without the basic necessities of life in our communities.

Food Pantry

While Our Savior does not offer a food pantry on its grounds, we work with our sister church, Redeemer of Newton,
to gather non-perishable items for monthly distribution. Distribution happens at Redeemer, usually the 3rd Thursday
of each month, but donations can be dropped off at any time in the church narthex (lobby.)

Disaster Relief

Not a year goes by where someone, somewhere loses all their worldly goods. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes,
earthquakes, and wars are all reminders that we live in a world marred by sin. As God's people we seek to alleviate
the suffering this fallen world wreaks in whatever ways we can. As these calamities befall us, we'll mobilize and
marshal whatever resources are needed to lend a helping hand.

Operation Christmas Child Sept - Nov.

This ministry is the well known "shoebox" outreach effort of the Samaritan's Purse organization. In September, we'll each take a shoebox and fill it with school supplies, small toys, health and hygiene items, and socks. We bring these back to the church by the first week o f November and they are then taken to a collection point and shipped all around the world. This is a great project for the whole family.

Surprise Service

We never know what opportunities there will be to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Lk. 10:27), nor are we always aware of just how blessed we are. As other opportunities for service arise, stay tuned to our website and weekly announcements to see how you can join us in acts of service.