ORNIS Results

The table below gives links to files containing the georeferences associated with records from each institution. Each link points to a zip file with password protection and each zip file contains a tab-delimited text file. Authorized personnel will have been notified with the password for their institution's zip file. Files with data destined for databases on Mac operating systems were exported from Microsoft Access using the Mac Western European code page to preserve the character encoding. Note however that the character encoding was not necessarily preserved in the process of sharing data with ORNIS, so some spurious characters may still occur in original data that appear in these files. Explanations of the content of the files and explanations for repatriation are given on the Georeference Repatriation Guide page.

Occurrence Records - the number of original records downloaded from ORNIS.

Unique Localities - the number of distinct localities among the original records downloaded from ORNIS.

Localities Georefed by ORNIS - the number of distinct locality records georeferenced under ORNIS.

Georefed Occurrences - the number of downloaded occurrence records with georeferences after ORNIS (with percentage).

* More records were georeferenced for these collections, but the records lacked catalog numbers at the time of download from ORNIS.

** The text files contained in these files are in the Mac Western European encoding.