Curriculum English

The coral society is a mixed voices polyphonic choral, composed of thirty four singers. It is member of the clavé Chorus Federation and of the Choral Entities Catalan Federation. It was founded in the 1977 year by a pupils parents grup of the Jesús, Mary and Joseph school, of the Saint Andrew distrit. In the 1984 year it was integrated to La Lira Choral Society with 130 years of antiquity and we took the actual name La Lira Choral Society. All through these years La Lira Coral Society has realized numerous concerts inside and outside of ou borders: trips to Torrevella (Alacant), to Barakaldo (Basc country), to Tolosa de Llengüadoc, to Quito and Guayaquil (Equador) or very recently to Sicily (Italy). Whithin Catalonia ambit in the Saint George Hall of the Generalitat Palace (Catalán autonomous government), in the Catalán Music Palace, to the Montserrat monastery, to the Poblet monastery, to the Ripoll monastery and the Barcelona Cathedral, recently, it must be emphasized to the Barcelona Auditorium together with the Barcelona Municipal Band. The last one to the Cent Hall of the Barcelona Town Council.

All of these has been possible thanks to the accurate technical conductorship from 1992 year of our conductor: CARLES GRÈBOL and to the assistance of the second conductors Mercé Albella and Maria LLuïsa Figueroa, to the organ Mª. Dolors Ximenes.

CARLES GRÈBOL, born in Barcelona, he began his musical studies under his father guidance. After, he studied with Enric Ribó, Pierre Cao and Laszlo Heltay amb so with Antoni Ros Marbà, Albert Sardà and Josep Soler.