
PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS                            

"17. International Migration and Trade Agreements: the new role of PTAs" Canadian Journal of Economics, 2015, vol.47(4), pp.310-334. [Article] | [Working Paper]

18. "Deep integration and production networks: an empirical analysis” (with N. Rocha) The World Economy, 2014, vol.37(1), pp.106-136. [Article] | [Working Paper]

19. "Offshoring, Migrants and Native Workers: the Optimal Choice under Asymmetric Information" Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 2014, vol.23(2), pp.179-201. [Article] | [Working Paper]




“Migration and Productivity Patterns in European Regions”, with Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Gianfranco De Simone and Angelica Salvi, in Valpy FitzGerald, Judith Heyer and Rosemary Thorp (eds.), “Overcoming the Persistence of Inequality and Poverty”, 2011, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan


"Is there an impact of immigration on productivity? The (assortative) matching channel" (with G. Peri), PSE Policy Brief, December 2023.

"How Deep Trade Agreements Impact Firms' Exports" (with M. Neri-Lainé and M. Ruta), PSE Policy Brief, November 2023.

"The Many Channels of Firms' Adjustments to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France" (with L. Fontagné and P. Martin), PSE Policy Brief, October 2023.

"Deep Trade Agreements and Firms' Exports" (with M. Neri-Lainé and M. Ruta), Vox column, August 2023.

"The Many Channels of Firms' Adjustments to Energy Shocks: Evidence from France" (with L. Fontagné and P. Martin), Vox column, July 2023. 

"Skilled Immigration, Task Allocation, and the Innovation of Firms " (with A. M. Mayda and G. Santoni), Cato Research Brief, June 2023.

"Skilled Immigrants: Skills That Promote Innovation" (with A.M. Mayda and G. Santoni), Lettre du CEPII, June 2023.

"Deep Trade Agreements and international migration: the role of visa provisions" (with A.M. Mayda and A. Levelu) , chapter in Vox e-book, June 2023. 

"Skilled immigration, task allocation, and the innovation of firms" (with A.M. Mayda and G. Santoni), Vox column, March 2023.


"The Impact of Regional Trade Agreements on Georgia's Exporters : A Firm-Level Analysis" (with M. Neri-Lainé and M. Ruta), Policy Research Working Paper Series 9768, The World Bank.

"Managing global value chains and migration through deep preferential trade agreements", ICTSD blog, November 2018.

"The international elasticity puzzle is worse than you think" (with L. Fontagné and P. Martin), Vox column, April 2017.

"Trade and Labor Market: What do we know?" (with M. Crozet), CEPII Policy Brief, March 2017. 

"Firm outcomes and local migrant worker supply" (with C. Mitaritonna and G.Peri), Vox column, March 2017.

"Multi-destination exporters coping with stringent technical regulations " (with L. Fontagné), Vox column, December 2016.

"L'euro: trop fort pour les exportations françaises?" (with J. Héricourt and P. Martin), Blog du CEPII, La Tribune

"Les exportateurs francais face à l'euro"  (with J. Héricourt and P. Martin), Lettre du CEPII, n.340, January 2014

"Which Gains from EUROMED PTAs?" (with F. Di Comite), COGITO multidisciplinary research journal, 2013, vol5(4), pp. 80-94.

"International Migration and the new role of preferential trade agreements", Blog du CEPII July 2012

"Heterogeneous migration and offshoring costs: Evidence on spillover effects " (with C. Beverelli), Policy Priorities for Trade and Jobs, edited by Douglas Lippoldt. OECD, Paris

"Trade Agreements and 21st cenury: A new Policy Insight" (with N. Rocha), Vox column, October 2011.

"Deep Integration and Production Networks" (with N. Rocha), CEPR Policy Insight, October 2011.