5. Summary of Operation

S U M M A R Y O F O P E R A T I O N.

This party, under command of Lieut. McGregor, was engaged on

the operation for the evacuation of escaped P.O.W., organised by 'A' Force in

October 1943.

The operation, which has been reported in the Jonquil file,

was carried out in the main by eight parties working in pairs; the task of the

Airborne group was to contact the ex- P.O.Ws., and guide them to the beach -

head, established by the Seaborne party, for evacuation.

Lieut. McGregor's party was landed in D area, near Chieti,

on the 2nd. of October 1943. Apart from a daylight drop and consequent pursuit

by the enemy, the stick landed well with all its containers.

The course of the operation, carried out by Lieut. McGregor

and his party, can be summarised in five distinct phases :-

1. The guiding of P.O.W. to the Beach-head.

After lying low for two nights the party split up in order to

contact escaped P.O.Ws. over a wide area. Between the 4th and 12th of October

about 300 were directed to the Beach party.

2. Direction of P.O.Ws. to Alfedena.

After the 12th of October no more landing craft were due at

the R.V., so Lieut. McGregor decided to direct ex-P.O.W. to another route,

which he had recced. There was still a considerable number of ex-prisoners in

the neighbourhood. The route chosen was via Popoli and Scanno to Alfedena.

In all, about 250 further ex-prisoners were set on their way, and of these a

number have reached Allied territory.

3. Distraction of S.S. Troops.

About the 20th of October, a detachment of German S.S. Troops

moved into the Chieti area, and began to track down ex-P.O.Ws.

Lieut. McGregor decided to organise the ambushing of road convoys, in order to

divert attention from the ex-P.O.Ws to his own party. Two convoys were

attacked, 6 Germans killed and 7 wounded.

4. Spoiling the Fascists.

At the beginning of November, as bad weather was setting in

and ex-P.O.Ws. had no proper clothing, Lieut. McGregor began a series of visits

to well known Fascists in the area; who handed over their clothes and money for

distribution to the ex-P.O.W. In this way many ex-P.O.W. were provided with

clothes and money to tide them over the winter months, and make their return

through the lines easier. At least 3 rabid Fascists, who were informing against

P.O.W., were shot.

5. Return.

Early in January, the party was preparing to return to our

lines, when it was attacked by a large party of Germans, and split up according

to a pre-arranged plan. Lieut. McGregor and Pct. McQueen have returned after

a 40 mile trip by rowing boat, and there is no reason to suppose that any of

the remainder of the party have been taken prisoner or shot; as no reports

were received by Lieut. McGregor, for a period of 10 days, in a country where

such news travels like wild fire.