4. Course of the Operation (Sheet 4)

Sheet 4.


A party under command of Major Symes, with a total

strength of 8, was landed on the night 15/16th. of October at Punta del Moro.

This area was by now filling up with German troops, and movement and conceal -

ment were alike difficult.

Two patrols were sent inland to the Caboli and Chieti

areas to contact ex P.O.Ws. and S.A.S. troops. By the night of the 21st.

30 ex P.O.Ws. had arrived, and as the German soldiers were wandering very near

their hiding place, Major Symes decided to move to a less busy area inland.

On the night 22/23rd. Major Symes had started to signal

the boat in, and the engines could be heard, when 2 Germans approached him and

the evacuation had to be abandoned. On the night 25/26th. there were 50 P.O.Ws.

but no response to Major Symes signals. On the night 26/27th. there were 120

P.O.Ws., but just as Major Symes was starting to marshal them for the beach he

received warning that a party of Germans was lying in wait for them.

A recce confirmed this report and the P.O.Ws. were told to return to the houses

in which they were billetted.

By the 4th. of November after repeated and fruitless

efforts to get a boat Major Symes decided to walk back through the lines and

advised all the P.O.Ws. to do the same. The same day however an Italian

offered a small boat which would hold 10 men, for 10,000 lire. Major Symes

with 13 men embarked in this within 50 yards of a German sentry and returned

to Termoli on the 6th. of November.