Author Instructions

new! Extended Paper Instructions

Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in the ACM Digital Library within its International Conference Proceedings Series (ISBN number 978-1-4503-1404-6 for WOD'12 post-proceedings).

To submit the extended paper, please strictly observe the following instructions:

  1. Extend the camera ready paper to get 8 pages length minimum (1/3 more material w.r.t. short version). Since it is electronically released, there is no upper bound on the paper length. Use the template ACM SIG proceedings templates Option 2 - Tighter Alternate style. Note that the above Latex2e style has been updated in May 2012. Please, check for the latest version.
  2. Approve the copyright form: ACM will email you a copyright form with all the instructions to approve it.
  3. Include the copyright text: once the ACM copyright approved, ACM will email you the correct copyright text and bibliographic strip to place in the paper.
  4. Include the categories: your paper should apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme
  5. Check for Font properties: the paper should have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file. See here for help on this point
  6. Include image representation: ACM invites authors to submit an image representation of their article. The image must be selected from the article body and can be any of the following: art, graphic, table, figures, etc. (Image files are to be as square as possible, 100x100 ppi and in jpg format). Authors must supply a caption with the image. The caption length should be no more than 512 characters.
  7. Submit the all material on EasyChair: upload the paper (PDF file) in the File field, and make a ZIP archive of the selected thumbnail (the JPG image representation) and a TXT file for the caption. Upload the ZIP archive within the Attachment field.

Submission Instructions

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum.

Papers must strictly adhere to the ACM proceedings format, using one of the provided templates. Templates are available in Word and LaTeX (version 2e). For the LaTeX formats, you may use either the standard style or the SIG-alternate style. Only PDF files are acceptable.

Papers submitted cannot exceed six letter-size (8.5" X 11") pages in length, including all references and appendices.

All submissions will be handled electronically, at: {EasyChair review process}

Camera Ready Instructions

All accepted papers will be included in an arXiv ePrint proceedings volume with Open Access. Each paper must be of six pages in length and due on May 11, 2012. We remind that the extended version published by ACM (see below) must contain at least 30% new content.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present his/her work at the workshop.

To submit your final version of the short paper on arXiv:

  1. Sign in on arXiv (create an account if necessary)
  2. Start a submission process
  3. Select the license you want
  4. Select “Computer Science” for the archive (select the class associated to your paper)
  5. Upload your paper
  6. Fill the metadata of the paper with the following values (in order to link your article to the proceedings entry of WOD on arXiv):
    1. "Comments": "Presented at the First International Workshop On Open Data, WOD-2012 (" (without the quotes)
    2. "Report Number": your report number is "WOD/2012/NANTES/X" where X must be replaced with your paper number (example for the paper 1: "WOD/2012/NANTES/1" - without the quotes).