Onur A. Koska

Welcome to my web page where you will find links to my short CV, to my current research activities, and to some of my published research.

My research interests are broadly in applied microeconomic theory, with a special focus on international trade, industrial organisation, multinational firm behavior and foreign direct investment.

I received my Ph.D. degree in Economics from the University of Otago (New Zealand). Before Otago, I was at METU (Turkey), where I completed M.Sc. and Ph.D. coursework in Economics.

Since March 2019, I have been at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Before having joined UC, I was an Associate Professor at METU (2015-2019), and Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen, Germany (2011-2015) and at the University of Würzburg, Germany (2009-2011).

I am also the co-founder / co-organiser of the PhD Summer Institute in International Trade & Industrial Organisation, and the co-organiser of the Australasian Trade Workshop

Contact Details

University of Canterbury

Department of Economics and Finance

Private Bag 4800

Christchurch 8140

New Zealand

Email: onur.koska@canterbury.ac.nz