
Here we provide the detailed information for the LUBMex20 experimentation (Sections 3.1 and 3.2). Note that in this case there is no given SQL schema; and hence, no mappings. Ontop creates a relational schema together with mappings itself using the "Semantic Index" technique described in the paper.

Ontology and Queries

The ontology (the original can be found at

Queries (R1-R5 from the Requiem evaluation, Q1-Q6 from the combined approach evaluation and Q7-Q9 from the Clipper evaluation)

The data for these experiments (with 50, 200 and 1000 universities) was generated using the data generator available at

Loading the data into Stardog and OWLIM

To load the data into Stardog or OWLIM, do the following steps:

Loading the data into MySQL and DB2

The data for the semantic index schema can only be generated using a version of Ontop which is not publicly available at the moment. However, we have created dumps of the DBs generated by Ontop's Semantic Index for LUBMex20 with 50, 200 and 1000 universities that can be used with MySQL, DB2 or any other DB that supports loading data from CSV files. Follow the instructions below to prepare the databases:


Query execution time (in seconds) for each query in the LUBMex20 scenario. 

These are the averages of 5 warm executions.