Here we provide the detailed information for the IMDb-Movie Ontology experiments (in Section 3.2).


The Movie Ontology (MO) is developed, adapted and maintained by the Department of Informatics at the University of Zurich:

The mapping (in Ontop's mapping syntax; to transform it into R2RML use Ontop's command-line tools)

The data for the experiments was generated using IMDb's dumps and Python scripts located at:

To save time, you can use the data we prepared for the experiments:

The list of SPARQL queries used in the experiments (the same for all systems):


Query execution time (in seconds) for each query in the IMDb-MO scenario. 

These are the averages of 5 warm executions.

Detailed results

Detailed results for each system, including the loading time (SQL or triple) and the forward chaining time (for OWLIM):

SQL queries produced by Ontop for each of the SPARQL queries: