
Dissecting organizational stigma: The case of Lehman “Orphans” (other titles: “Dissecting Organizational Stigma: Does the Market Punish the Innocent?”) IFABS Conference, Oxford, July 2023; Cardiff Business School, Accounting and Finance Seminar Series, May 2023 (guest speaker).

Capital-market effects of targeted liquidity provisions ICMA Research Seminar, University of Reading, April 2022 (guest speaker); CDF-CERFIB Seminar, University of Southampton, March 2022 (guest speaker); Lancaster University Management School, November 2021 (guest speaker).

Pandemic Risk and Diversification (accepted at the Journal of Corporate Finance with the title “Corporate Diversification and Stock Risk: Evidence from a Global Shock”) Luiss, Dipartimento di Impresa e Management, February 2021 (guest speaker); King’s College London, December 2020 (guest speaker); IRMC Virtual Conference (The Risk, Banking and Finance Society), October 2020.

Market Contestability and Payout Ratios (published at the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking with the title “Competition and Bank Payout Policy”) Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, November 2019; Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, Università di Bologna (guest speaker), October 2019.

Debtholder Monitoring Incentives and Bank Earnings Opacity School of Management, University of Bath, May 2019; Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, December 2018; Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, November 2018

Evaluating ECB’s monetary policy: An event study approach IFABS Conference, ESCCA School of Management, Angers, June 2019; Birmingham Business School, Birmingham, November 2018

Women on the board and government bailouts (forthcoming in the Journal of Corporate Finance under the title "Does gender diversity on banks’ boards matter? Evidence from public bailouts") Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, Università di Bologna (guest speaker), May 2017

How does the Eurozone crisis affect securities portfolios? FINEST 5th Anniversary Conference, LUM, Trani, September, 2017; Durham University Business School, Durham University (guest speaker), Durham, February 2017; International Rome Conference on Money, Banking, and Finance, University of Rome III, December 2016; Solvay Business School, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (guest speaker), Brussels, May 2016

Market reaction to bank liquidity regulation Royal Economic Society annual meeting, University of Sussex, March 2016

Monitoring Matters: Debt Seniority, Market Discipline and Bank Conduct School of Economics, Management, and Statistics, Bologna University (guest speaker), Rimini, May 2017; 2nd ACPR (Banque de France) conference, Paris, December 2015

Wealth shocks, credit supply shocks, and asset allocation: Evidence from household and firm portfolios Financial Management Association annual meeting, Nashville, October 2014;  International Economic Association World Congress, Dead Sea, Amman, June 2014;  Royal Economic Society annual meeting, Manchester, April 2014; Conference on household finance and consumption, ECB, Frankfurt, October 2013

Are CEO power, monitoring incentives, and dividends related? Evidence from a regulated industry (published as "CEO power, government monitoring, and bank dividends" in the Journal of Financial Intermediation) AIDEA annual meeting, Lecce, September 2013; Nottingham University Business School China (guest speaker), Ningbo, November 2012

The real effects of regulatory enforcement actions: Evidence from U.S. counties Financial Management Association annual meeting, Nashville, October 2014; University of Limoges (guest speaker), LAPE, Limoges, November 2013; IFABS Conference, Nottingham, June 2013

Self-affinity in financial asset returns World Finance & Banking Symposium, Shanghai, December 2012; 17th Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, San Francisco, July 2011

Are European equity markets efficient? New evidence from fractal analysis Cass business school (guest speaker), London, May 2010

Moral hazard, dividends and risk in banks (previous titles: Dividend and risk in banks and Dividend and risk in European banks) AIDEA annual meeting, Lecce, September 2013; University of Bologna (guest speaker), Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, Bologna, December 2011; 20th Tor Vergata Conference on Money, Banking and Finance, Rome, December 2011; 8th International Eurofidai-AFFI Annual Meeting, Paris, December 2010; European Finance Association annual meeting, Frankfurt, August 2010; Australasian Banking and Finance Conference, Sydney, December 2009; UKEPAN conference, Leicester, November 2009

Assessing the value relevance of accounting data after IFRS introduction in Europe International Association of Accounting Education and Research conference, Munich, February 2009

Unifractality and multifractality in the Italian stock market Centre for Empirical Finance conference, London, May 2008