Calling Features

Conference Calling

Set up a Conference Call Bridge and have up to 10 people dial in to 484-234-2634  (or *55 from an office phone) for a telephone conference.  


Our static Conference Call number is 484-234-2634, but the participant and leader codes vary with each conference.

If participating on the conference call from one of our office phones or from the AddVantage mobile app, you can simply dial *55 and enter the conference code to join the conference.

At the conclusion of the telephone conference, you will receive an email with a summary of the call which lists the phone numbers and attendance times for each participant.

Transfers & Blind Transfers

Transferring calls to a user's extension. 

While on the line with the caller, press Transfer.  The caller will automatically be placed on hold.

        CCN=2637, SMP=1938, VFD=9421,  Reception=3237


Anywhere Calling

Use your mobile phone to place calls so it appears that you are calling from your office line (Caller ID will display the office's number).  You can also receive office calls and pickup parked lines using your mobile device.

You must install and register the AddVantage app from Vantage Labs on you mobile device. There is no cost to download or use the app.  Please see SMP for assistance with initial setup.

For details on the AddVantage Android app, see listing in Google Play.

For details on the AddVantage iPhone app, see listing in the iPhone App Store.


IT References