Ω Lab (Laboratory of Galaxy Evolution)



Welcome to the Omega lab (Laboratory of Galaxy Evolution) web page!

We study the formation and evolution of galaxies, as well as the related physical processes.

Our latest result on the observation of a merging cluster by a state-of-the-art radio interferometer MeerKAT, published in Nature.
A black hole (marked by the red x) at the centre of galaxy MRC 0600-399 emits a jet of particles that bends into a 'double-scythe' T-shape that follows the magnetic field lines at the galaxy subcluster's boundary. 

Image Credit: Modified from Chibueze, Sakemi, Ohmura et al. (2021) Nature Fig. 1(b))


A GALEX image of a nearby spiral galaxy M31 (Andromeda galaxy). We make an extensive use of GALEX ultraviolet data for the analysis of star formation in galaxies, which is a unique strategy of our Lab.