Why don't they gather objective basis of condemning Japan on "comfort women" issue ?

photo: The Hankyoreh Media Company, January 2, 2016. The former comfort women blamed the South Korean government staff of the agreement with Japan.

On "comfort women" issue, many Korean people are requesting Japan to acknowledge systematic coercion and institutionalized sexual slavery. But Japan denies that. Japan stated that 'The expression “sex-slaves” also contradicted the facts' ( reports of Japan at CEDAW, February 16, 2016)

Why don't Korean people gather objective basis ?

It's a big question-mark for me, why don't Korean people gather objective basis of their assertion ?

It is supposed they have many things they can do;

Let the living victims remember the clues to search for evidence

- name of the units she worked at

- name of the soldiers in the units she saw

- names of the persons who might saw she was abducted/deceived

Search for plural testimony depicting the same incident as the living victims testified. Search for other objective record...

- other comfort women who worked at the same place as the known victims

- the former Japanese military soldiers that are Korean. Many Korean people, such as Mr. Park Chung-hee, had belonged to the Japanese military. They might saw atrocity

- a nephew or a niece of victims who might remember/see the abduction

- diaries of parents or relatives describing the victims' disappearing

- residents registration record of the city office that described the disappeared or dead victims

- names of killed/disappeared victims recorded in graves or sort-of monuments

- articles in the newspapers that depicted parents who searched for their lost daughters after the war

To think about that the youngest former comfort woman the South Korea acknowledged, was born in 1935

( Ms.김외한, 金外漢, 1935-2015), there is still possibility to find the evidence if Korean people's assertion were right.

What Japan denies is "systematic atrocity by national policy of Japan"

Their accusation stands on victims' personal experience testimony only by themselves, or statements by some politicians/historians. But they never disclosed even one "identified" incident of systematic coercion/abduction/abuse/massacre.

Imagine that you sued someone, but you didn't show "charged-fact" with identified date/location, you didn't show clues for specifying perpetrators, your suit wasn't endorsed by other witnesses or objective record. Then the court would ask you "What are you accusing of ?", and dismiss your suit.

Korean people are doing the same thing, that is, accusing Japan without showing even a case of the "charged-fact".

Japan denies their accusation of "systematic atrocity by national policy of Japan", because there were no objective basis. ( On the other hand, about atrocity by individual soldiers or small units those uncommonly happened like the Abu Ghraib prison incident, Japan acknowledged that and apologized. )

In this situation, naturally speaking, it'll be a good way for Korean people to search for objective basis. Isn't it far better than wasting time by repeating the baseless claim vainly as they are doing now ?

But they never did it in the past and they seems to have no intention to do that.

Why don't Korean people gather objective basis of their accusation ?

Or, they won't do that because they are afraid of exposing groundlessness of ther accusation ?

( May 13, 2016, Racn Kel )