Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics (DISES) of the University of Naples Federico II (UniNa)

Associate Editor of the Italian Economic Journal

Research Fellow at the Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF)

Research Member at the Money and Finance Research group (MoFiR)

External Fellow at the Center for European Studies (CeFes)

Research output is available here

Curriculum vitae: CV


New publication: The gen AI gender gap (with Inaki Aldasoro, Olivier Armantier, Sebastian Doerr, Leonardo Gambacorta)

New BIS Papers: Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in central banks (with Inaki Aldasoro, Sebastian Doerr, Leonardo Gambacorta,  Sukhvir Notra and David Whyte)

New BIS Bulletin: Survey Evidence of gen AI and households: job prospects amid trust concerns (with Inaki Aldasoro, Olivier Armantier, Sebastian Doerr, Leonardo Gambacorta)

Contacts: University of Naples Federico II, Department of Economics and Statistics, Via Cintia - Monte S. Angelo 80126 Napoli - ITA, tel. +39 081675050, email: or