
I enjoy teaching O.R., applied economics (industrial organization and energy and environmental economics) or decision sciences courses to talented students with a background in either engineering or economics. 

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The list of current courses includes:

at CentraleSupélec

- in the Master EEET (Mobility & Energy track offered à CentraleSupélec)

- Energy Economics

- The Industrial Organization and Modeling of Energy Infrastructures 

- in the Bachelor of Global Engineering (jointly offered by CentraleSupélec and McGill University)

- Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

at IFP School - École Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs

-  in the Engineering Program “Energie et Marchés” 

- Energy and Natural Resources economics, an Introduction

- Industrial Organization 

- The Economics of Natural Gas and related Technologies (Biomethane, Hydrogen, CCS)

      - in the Master EEET (Energy Track offered à IFP School & U. Paris-Nanterre)

- Industrial Organization 

- An introduction to natural gas economics

at Toulouse School of Economics

- Master in Applied Economics 

- Environmental & Resource Economics (with avec François Salanier and Daniel Herrera)