
Journal articles (25)

joint with Emma JAGU SCHIPPERS  (IFP School & CentraleSupélec)
Energy Policy, 2022, Vol. 171., 113265.    Link 

joint with Carl GREKOU (CEPII), Emmanuel HACHE (IFPEN), Frédéric LANTZ (IFP School), Valérie MIGNON (U. Paris Nanterre), and Lionel RAGOT (U. Paris Nanterre),      

Revue d'Economie Financière, 2022, Vol. 147, 227-242.  

joint with Emma JAGU (IFP School & CentraleSupélec) and Pascal DA COSTA (CentraleSupélec)

Science and Technology for Energy Transition, 2022, Vol. 77(9), 1-13.    Link   

joint with Arthur THOMAS  (U. Paris Dauphine) and Benoît SEVI  (U. Nantes)     

The Energy Journal, 2022, Vol. 43(5).  Link 

joint with Amina BABA  (U. Paris Dauphine) and Anna CRETI  (U. Paris Dauphine)     

Energy Economics, 2020, 89: 104764.  Link 

joint with Florian PERROTTON (ENGIE & U. Paris-Nanterre)     

Energy Economics, 2020, Vol. 85, 104537.  Link 

joint with Ekaterina DUKHANINA (Mines ParisTech)  and François LEVEQUE (Mines ParisTech) 

Energy Policy, 2019, Vol. 132, 583-593.  Link 

joint with Omer RIFAAT (IFP School)   

Resource and Energy Economics, 2018, Vol. 54, 186-211. Link 

joint with Albert BANAL-ESTAÑOL (City Univ. London and Univ. Pompeu Fabra) 

The Energy Journal, 2018, Vol. 39(SI2), 67-95. Link

joint with Florian PERROTTON (ENGIE & U. Paris-Nanterre) 

Utilities Policy, 2018, Vol. 53, 32-37. Link 

joint with Ekaterina DUKHANINA (Mines ParisTech) 

Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, 2018, Vol. 5(2), 129-137. Link 

joint with Stéphane TCHUNG-MING (IFP Energies Nouvelles) and Albert BANAL-ESTAÑOL (City Univ. London and Univ. Pompeu Fabra) 

Energy Policy, 2018, Vol. 115, pp. 545-560.  Link

joint with Albert BANAL-ESTAÑOL (City Univ. London and Univ. Pompeu Fabra) and Jeremy ECKHAUSE (RAND Co. and Pardee RAND Graduate School) 

Energy Policy, 2016, Vol. 90, pp. 246-252.  Link

Supporting files: Supporting Document -  Worksheet Model (Section 1)  -  Worksheet Model (Section 2: Original& Robust)

joint with Stéphane TCHUNG-MING (IFP Energies Nouvelles) and Albert BANAL-ESTAÑOL (City Univ. London and Univ. Pompeu Fabra) 

European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, Vol. 247 (1), 2015, pp. 259-275. Link 

joint with Albert BANAL-ESTAÑOL (City Univ. London and Univ. Pompeu Fabra)

European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 237 (3), 2014, pp. 1067-1082. Link 

joint with Ibrahim ABADA (IFP Energies Nouvelles and EDF R&D), Vincent BRIAT (EDF R&D) and Steven A. GABRIEL (Univ. of Maryland) 

Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 13 (1), 2013, 1-42. Link 

joint with Ibrahim ABADA (IFP Energies Nouvelles and EDF R&D), and Vincent BRIAT (EDF R&D)

Energy, Vol. 49 (1), 2013, 240-251. Link 

joint with Ibrahim ABADA (IFP Energies Nouvelles and EDF R&D)

Energy Policy, Vol. 39 (7), 2011, pp. 4077-4088. Link 

The Engineering Economist, Vol. 56 (2), 2011, pp. 95-122.  Link 

joint with Stéphane TCHUNG-MING (IFP Energies Nouvelles)

Energy Economics, Vol. 32 (4), 2010, pp. 933-947. Link

Book chapters (2)

Reports & Policy Briefs (3)

Op-ed (4)