2024: ”Vegetation cover mitigates the economic impacts of warming.” | to submit

wih L. Wenz (PIK) and M. Kotz

2024: ”ENSO and financial stability in Latin America countries” | draft soon

wih C. Mathonnat and J. Thavard (UL)

2024: ”Climate and financial stability” |

wih M. Fajeau, R Genoroso, C. Mathonnat

2023: ”Climate shocks and banking sector stability Evidence from El Ni ̃no Southern Oscillation ” | under review

wih M. Fajeau (Lille) and C. Mathonnat (UL)

2023: ”The influence of climate change on real estate prices. A case study of the Yellow River floodplain, China” | unde review, wih H. Chen and S. Goutte

2023: ”Did seasonal climate instability affect the spread of historical smallpox outbreaks?” | to resubmit

wih S. Goutte, D. Kaniewski, N. Marriner

2023: ”Tobin tax: a two-country DSGE perspective” | Under Review

wih T. Betti (Strasbourg) and K. Sobczak (Poznan)

2024: ”Alternative and FCEV vehicles adoption: a choice experiment on French data” |

wih M Attallah, A. Kirakozian

2023: ”Preferences for H2 technologies in stationary applications in the home: a choice experiment” | under review, with P. Buckley, MF Agnoletti, A. Martin, M. Attallah 

2023: ”Measuring the impact of climate risk on the volatility of renewable energy stocks: a case study of G20 economi

with P. Zhang, T. Duc Huynh

2022: ”Climate change cliometrics: Little ice age case study” | To resubmit

with C. Diebolt, S. Goutte, U. Triacca

2022: ”Testing for infinite-step noncausality in infinite order VAR processes” | To resubmit

wih A. Giovanelli and U. Triacca