
2024: "Climate and sovereign risk: the Latin American experience with ENSO events ", with C. Mathonnat (UL) and J. Thavard (UL), World Development

2024: ""Measuring the impact of climate risk on renewable energy stock volatility", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, with L. Zhang (China) et al.

2023: "Firms’ access to finance in resource-based countries and the financial resource curse", with C. Mathonnat (UL) and S. Kablan (UPEC), Journal of Comparative Economics,  ISSN 0147-5967,

2023: Zorro versus Covid-19: face mask is an efficient tool to fight the pandemics and pollution, population density and strict policies increase the probability of its adoption, (Nature) Scientific Reports, with T.L.D, 13, 9218,

2023: "Macroepidemics and unconventional monetary policy", with V. Acurio Vasconez and D. Shanafelt, Economic Modelling forthcoming

2023: "Beyond climate and conflict relationships: new evidence from a Copula-based analysis on an historical perspective", with S. Goutte (Paris Saclay), Journal of Comparative Economics, Volume 51, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 295-323, ISSN 0147-5967,

2022: "Renewable energy drivers in France: A Spatial Econometric Perspective", with G. Del Lo (Paris 13), Regional Studies, Vol 56, Issue 10

2022: "Political influence and banking performance: Evidence from the African countries", with I. Kouki (Tunis), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol 84, pp. 200-207.

2021: "Meteorological factors against COVID-19 and the role of human mobility ", Plos One, 16 (6), with C. Mathonnat (UL) and S. Goutte (Paris Saclay), online here, medias: The Conversation (JDD, Ouest France, La Voix du Nord etc...), Science et Vie, L'Express

2021: "The Merit-Order Effect on the Swedish bidding zone with the highest electricity flow in the Elspot market", with Daniela Pereira Macedo, and António Cardoso Marques, Energy Economics, 105465, ISSN 0140-9883,

2020: "Climate and nomadic migration in a nonlinear world: evidence of the Historical China", Climatic Change, wih S. Goutte (Paris Saclay), Q. Pei (HK),

2020: "Reexaming the impact of ENSO on economic growth: the role of local weather conditions", with C. Couharde (Nanterre), R. Generoso (Lille), K. Mohaddes (Cambridge), Annals of Economics and Statistics, n° 40, pp. 83-126

2020: "The impact of the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity price formation: is the Merit-Order Effect occurring in Portugal? with D. Macedo, A Marques (Beira Interior), Utilities Policy, Vol. 66, issue C 

2020: "Changement climatique et migrations: un nouveau regard à travers les migrations nomades dans la Chine historique", with Q. Pei (Hong Kong Education University), Région et Développement, n°51

2020: "Les enjeux économiques de la filière hydrogène: une solution pour la transition énergétique, Mondes Développement, with F. Lemoine, H. Demaie, M. Crémel

2020: "Quelle transition énergétique, quelle croissance et développement durables pour une nécessaire transition écologique? Présentation, Mondes Développement, with H. Gerardin, à paraître

2019: "Renewable energy drivers in European Countries", with  A. Marques (Beira Interior), Applied Economics, vol.51, issue 26

2018: "Can Taylor Rule better explain the Fed’s Monetary Policy over the 1920s and 1930s? A Nonlinear Cliometric Analysis" with F. Jawadi and A. Parent), Studies in NonLinear Dynamics and Econometrics, vol.22, issue 5

2018: "Natural resource curse in oil exporting countries: a nonlinear approach" (with M. Seghir), International Economics, n°156, issue Q4

2018: "Did the FED respond to liquidity shortage episodes during the Great Depression?" (with A. Parent), Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol.22, issue 7

2018: "Reassessing forest products demand functions in Europe using a panel co-integration approach", with P. Rougieux, Applied Economics, vol 50, issue 30, pp. 3247-3270

2018: "Households energy consumption and transition towards cleaner energy sources", with Gaye Del Lo and Philippe Delacote, Energy Policy, 113(c), pp. 751-764

2018 "La taxe Tobin: nouvelles approches" avec F. Bismans (Université de Lorraine), L'Actualité Economique, 94(2)

2017: "Liquidity traps and large-scale financial crises", Melbourne Institute Wp version with longer appendix available here (with E. Castelnuovo G. Cagianno, A. Parent, G. Pellegrino), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 81, pp. 99-114

2017: "Changement climatique et migrations: les transferts de fonds des migrants comme amortisseurs?", with M. Gittard (Mines Nancy), Mondes en Développement, n°179, pp.85-102

2017: "Présentation. Ressources naturelles et développement. Un nouvel éclairage...", Introduction du numéro spécial "Ressources naturelles" de Mondes en Développement, n°179, pp. 7-14

2017: "Incitations à développer les EnR et l'énergie solaire: une approche par la cointégration en panel", Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, Vol 2, n°1, pp. 193-213

2017: "What has driven deforestation in developing countries since the 2000s? Evidence from new remote-sensing data", with A. Leblois et J. Wolfersberger, World Development, vol.92, issue C, pp. 82-102

2017 "The Global Economic Crisis and the effect of immigration on employment of native-born workers in Europe, avec V. Fromentin and B. Zou, World Economy, vol. 40 (6), pp. 1068-1088

2016 "Mixture Distribution Hypothesis and the impact of a Tobin tax on exchange rate volatility: a reassessment", Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 20 (6), September, pp. 1600-1622.

2016 "Did the FED Follow an Implicit McCallum Rule During the Great Depression?", with A. Parent (Sciences-Po Lyon), Economic Modelling, vol. 52, part A, pp. 226-232.

2015 "Tobin Tax and Volatility: a TQAR framework", with Beum-Jo Park (Dankook University), Review of International Economics, vol. 23 (5), pp. 996-1022.

2015 "Tobin tax and trading volume tightening: a reassessment", with S. Goutte (Paris 8), Applied Economics, vol. 47 (29), pp. 3124-3141. 

2013 "Anchor currency and real exchange rates dynamics in the CFA Franc Zone", with C. Couharde (Paris 10) and I. Coulibaly (UPEC), Economic Modelling, 33, July, pp. 722–732.

2013 "Energy as a driver of growth in oil exporting countries?", with M. Seghir (Université Paris-Est Créteil), Energy Economics, 37, pp. 193–199.

2013 "Migration and labour markets in OECD countries: a panel cointegration approach", with V. Fromentin (Université de Lorraine), Applied Economics, 45(16), pp. 2295-2304.

2012 "On the Economic Factors of Deforestation: what can we learn from quantile analysis?", with Ph. Delacote (LEF-ENGREF-Agroparitech), Economic Modelling, 29 (6), November, pp. 2427–2434.

2012 "La dynamique d'ajustement des taux de change réels dans la zone CFA", with C. Couharde (Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre) and I. Coulibaly (Université Paris-Est Créteil), Revue Economique, 63 (3).

2011 "Risques souverains et fondamentaux macroéconomiques dans la zone euro: existe-t-il un "effet bâle 2"?", with  G. Dufrénot (Banque de France, CEPII, DEFI) and Ph. Frouté (Banque de France), Revue Economique, 62 (6), pp. 1135-1145

2011 "Unsustainable timber harvesting, deforestation and the role of certification", with P. Delacote (LEF-ENGREF-Agroparitech), Ecological Economics, 70 (6), pp. 1211-1219, pdf

2011 "Effets de richesse: le cas français", with V. Chauvin (Banque de France), Économie et Statistique, n° 438-440, June 2011, pp. 111-141, see a old working paper version in english at

2010 "La datation du cycle français: une approche probabiliste", Revue Française d'économie, vol XXIV, avril, pp. 136-163, with Z. Rabah (Nancy2)

2010 "Is the crisis treatment exacerbating cautiousness or risk-taking?", Applied Financial Economics, n°20, pp. 213-218, with Ph. Frouté (Banque de France), pdf

2009 "Exchange Rate Volatility: Currency Transaction Tax as an eviction device", Economics Bulletin, vol 29, n°3, pp. 2445-2460

2009 "Ouverture commerciale et féminisation du marché du travail: le cas du Maroc", Économie Appliquée, tome LXII, n°4, pp. 197-207, with F. Bismans (Nancy2), M. Bouzahzah, M. Karim

2009 "Are Forests a Resource Curse: an empirical study", The Empirical Economics Letters , vol 8, n°4, pp. 327-334, with Ph. Delacote (LEF-ENGREF-Agroparitech),

2008 "Currency Transaction Tax Elasticity: an Econometric Estimation," International Economics/Economie Internationale, CEPII research center, n° 115, issue 3, pp. 193-212, with F. Bismans (Nancy 2), pdf

2007 "Quel avenir pour une taxe Tobin ?," Mondes en développement, De Boeck Université, n°140, issue 4, pp. 115-124