Old Whitby Family Photographs

The photographs on this site are primarily from the site owners personal collection. Any other pictures displayed will be by kind permission of the owner of the photograph.There is no offensive material shown on this site and where names, dates etc are mentioned I will try to be as accurate as I can.I am uploading photographs of my ancestors initially but will welcome any Photographs of Whitby ancestors you may wish to share (web space allowing) providing you give permission to display them.If you are interested in Whitby family history research, you may find the sister web site ( https://sites.google.com/site/whitbyancestors/ ) useful. It contains Birth, Death and Marriage records of Whitby people from 1600 to 1837.I welcome any corrections or comments that may be relevant to the subject matter for both sites.Cheers.bazjax1812@googlemail.com Photograph: Charlie Jackson, Groundsman Whitby Town Football Club