The Future of Jobs

Planning for the Future

  • 87% of workers believe believe they will need to get training and develop new skills throughout their life
  • 72% believe say "a lot" of responsibility falls on the individual to make sure they have the right skills and education for success in today's economy
    • Since 1980:
      • 83% increase in jobs requiring social skills (interpersonal, communications or management skills)
      • 77% increase increase in jobs requiring higher level of analytical skills (critical thinking and computer use)
      • little change in jobs requiring manual or physical skills
      • 94% increase in hybrid occupations (jobs with both higher social and higher analytical skills - managerial or teaching jobs)

Source: (Pew Research, The State of American Jobs, 2016)

Automation and Jobs in the U.S.

Percentage of time for work activities that can be automated for 750 jobs

Critical Thinking:

19% Formal Education