Board & Committee Responsibilities

Governing Board

Responsibilities for Governing Board Member Representatives

  • Subscribe to ODLC listserv

  • Attend Board meetings (usually in Fall and Spring)

    • Note: Representatives from associate libraries do not cast individual votes. The Associate Libraries rep casts one vote on behalf of the group.

  • Serve as point of contact for your library and/or library group

  • Make sure local website, training, and marketing materials are kept up to date

For Governing Board members who represent a group of libraries, in addition to the items above:

  • Maintain a list of contacts (at least one per library)

  • Communicate pertinent information with member libraries

  • Communicate any changes to invoicing contact information to the Chair

Executive Committee

As noted in the bylaws, the Executive Committee is a committee of the Governing Board, and has the following responsibilities:

  • carry out the work of the Governing Board as described in the bylaws, based on a majority vote of the Executive Committee members;

  • appoint and dismiss Ad Hoc Committees;

  • act on recommendations of ad hoc and standing committees;

  • refigure cost allocations based on the established formula(s); and

  • perform other duties as determined by the Governing Board.

The Executive Committee cannot amend the by-laws, accept officer resignations, remove an Officer from office, or vote to dissolve the consortium.

Responsibilities for the Executive Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary can be found in the bylaws [PDF].

Selection Committee

Selection Chair

  • Oversee annual review of selection procedures and policies

  • If necessary, make policy change recommendations to the Board

  • Oversee orders and selection budget

  • Make budget recommendations to the Board

  • Submit committee report at each Board meeting

  • Maintain a list of ODLC selectors

  • Review committee membership annually (near end of fiscal year)

  • Coordinate with Overdrive if titles need to be added/removed from L2Go (weeding, errors)

  • Coordinate with Cataloging Chair if MARC records need to be removed from OPACs. Provide list of titles needing to be removed.

Collection Analysis Representative

  • Analyze collection by running reports via Content Reserve and, if necessary, asking Overdrive to run reports that we cannot generate ourselves.

  • Work with the selection committee and board members to determine what statistics would best help inform future purchases.

  • Report results of analysis to board (once or twice per year).

    • Examples include:

      • Breakdown of circulation by title and be able to sort the titles by: NF vs. Fiction, genre, Dewey Number and whether it is J, YA or Adult.

      • Turnover rates, but controlled by the date added to the collection.

      • Last circ date so we know how long something has been sitting. This will be important for the titles that only get 26 circs especially and if we ever weed.

Cataloging Committee

Cataloging Chair

  • Maintain a list of participating ODLC catalogers

  • Communicate with participating ODLC catalogers

  • Provide instructions to catalogers on how to acquire OCLC MARC records

  • Handle cataloging problems reported by ODLC catalogers

  • Alert catalogers to deletions (when information from Selection Chair is received)

  • Handle issues/questions related to MARC records

Drafted July 2013