Ideology Algorithm (IA)

Ideology Algorithm (IA) is motivated from ideologies which exist in human society for ages. In the context of politics, there are numerous kinds of ideologies such as conservative, socialism, left-wing, right-wing, democratic, republic, communism, etc. There are several political parties exist in the world which follow these ideologies in different forms. For example, Conservative Party and Labour Party (United Kingdom), Republican Party and Democratic Party (United States of America), Communist Party (China), and Bharatiya Janata Party (India).

IA is a novel socio-inspired algorithm. The society individuals support or follow certain ideologies. These ideologies become the guide or way for the individuals to achieve their long term goals. The IA is motivated from the competition within the members of a political party as well as competition amongst the leaders of different parties. Every local party follows certain ideology which motivates certain individuals stay associated with that party. Once associated with a party, every individual exhibits a self-interested behaviour and competes with its party members to improve and promote its rank. Every individual looks at its own local party leader as a benchmark and tries to reach as close as possible to it. Also, the individual watches other party leaders and compares itself with that leader. This may motivate it to choose different ideology associated with another party. Furthermore, every local party leader always desires to be a global leader. In other words, it competes with the other party leaders to be a global leader. Moreover, the local party leader desires to remain at least its own party leader. Thus it also competes with the second best in the party which always desires to catch the local party leader position. In addition, the lowest rank individual following the party ideology desires to climb up in the party; however for prolonged time if it understands that following its current party ideology is not improving its rank. Such deserted individual may change the ideology and resort to another party ideology. This competitive behaviour of individuals following certain ideology to improve and climb up in the party as well as compete with other party members is modelled. The mechanism enabled the IA to solve several numerical optimization problems with superior performance in terms of solution quality and computational cost as compared with other existing algorithms.

Huan, T.T., Kulkarni, A.J., Kanesan, J., Huang, C.J., Abraham, A.: Ideology algorithm: a socio-inspired optimization methodology, Neural Computing & Applications 28, 845–876 (2017) (DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2379-4)