OAKJAVA8(JAVA8) MockExercises


MOCK EXERCISES : (1 *50= 50 Marks)

MOCK EXECISES -SECTION-A ( 1 * 50 = 50 marks)


1) Explain Briefly about JAVA8.0 Advanced concepts

with an example. What is the major advantages of using java8.0 ( 5*2 =10 mark)

2) Write a JAVA8.0 Program to generate only .dll file

when it is compiled used java8 compiler.. ( 5*1 =5 mark)

3) Write a JAVA8.0 to provide operator overloading concepts. (5 *1 = 5mark)

4) i) Write a JAVA8.0 program to find biggest among Given N nos...

ii) Write a JAVA8.0 Program to merge two outputs using JAVA8 collections

( 5 * 2 = 10 marks)

5) Write a JAVA8.0 Program to create a mobile

webapplication ( 5 *4=20 marks)

a) Register a student

b) Store the student in wnosql / Oracle/mysql db.

c) List the Student with rank and total marks for each student.