
1) What Are the Merits of using OAKJAVA8(JAVA8.0) Programming language?

Merits of JAVA8.0


a) JAVA8.0 behaves like his parent java and Dotweb3.0

java fails completly in code security.

b) JAVA8.0 supports Garbage collection and explicity memory.

c) JAVA8.0 support Multiple inheritance ,friend function, and operator overloading

and all C/C++ oops concepts.

d) JAVA8.0 also supports CDollar concepts.

e) JAVA8.0 also includes C# oops concepts.

g) JAVA8.0 also follows attractive syntax.

h) Since it had 100% oops concepts it is ranked as NO:3

Top quality software according to wilmixsolomonresearch lab.

i) JAVA8.0 is used with Dotweb3.0,CWEB section, C#, and with all writ Programming languages.

j) Used with Scroll OAKJAVA7 Framework

2) What are the major advantages of OAKJAVA8(JAVA8.0) Programming Language ?

OAKJAV8(JAVA8.0) Programming Language is focused mainly on

    • It is OpenSource.

    • Research

    • Security

    • Interactive with C# P.L or C# Technology .

    • Code obfuscation

    • Used in Mobile Web Application

    • JAVA Servlet Approach

    • It Prevent Code Stealing.

    • Focused on Protoype Software.

    • Mainly used to create datastructures as fast as possible.

    • It is Learnable.

    • JAVA8.0 Advanced OOPS

    • Behave Like OakJava7(Java7.0)

3) Which one did JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) follow?

What is the main purpose of using JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) according to the research?

JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) is used for Mobile webapplication and MobileApps creation.

It is Easy and very fast to use webapplication or remotewebapplication, Provide Code obfuscation, and prevent code stealing.

JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) saves time and cost for the clients.

4) What are the demerits of JAVA and C#?



a) JAVA class file has many demerits so any thing you create a compiler in java

the source code can be easily taken by JAD.

b) C# (.exe or .dll) source code can also be taken using any code reflector available in google site.

That's why JAVA8.0 is focused. So Creating software in C# is useless.

JAVA8.0 is a OAKJAVA8 for creating datastructures and compilers.

JAVA8.0 accepts ".java" filename and translate to .class file.

that java is said to oak java different from orginal java; which is not understood by hackers.

JAVA8.0 loads .dll in memory to create a Prototype software.

5) How is JAVA8.0 Professional software is different from enterprise software?

JAVA8.0 Professional software is a free version and opensource and it has limited time validity of one month.

for every month software will be updated on Tutorial website not on this website.

This Website is focused only for Tutorial /Demos /Samples on JAVA8(oakjava8) Programming language

Only Core JAVA8.0 Trail version and Java8 (oakjava8) wilmixcatserver is permitted for professional use.

JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) Enterprise software is used only by companies and IT CLIENTS.

JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) Enterprise Software contains 50 Advantages.

JAVA8.0(OAKJAVA8) Enterprise Software is not opensource.

Note: OAKJAVA8(java8) consists of more modules and so-on that are not opensource

for professionals and companies..

so now we give only oakjava8 normal modules..