Volume 20 (1993)

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Research Articles

Watson, A.G. & Fordyce, R.E. Skeleton of two Minke whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, stranded on the south-east coast of New Zealand. pg. 1-14 PDF (3.1 MB)

Ayress, M.A. Middle Eocene Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the Coastal Section Bortonian Stage, at Hampton, South Island, New Zealand. pg. 15-21 PDF (2.2 MB)

Winterbourn, M.J. & Harding, J.S. Life history variability and larval ecology of Aoteapsyche colonica (Trichoptera: Hydropsychiidae) pg. 15-21 PDF (606 KB)

Evans, B.F. , Townsend, C.R. & Crowl, T.A. The retention of woody debris structures in a small stream following a large flood. pg. 35-39 PDF (315 KB)

Tocher, M.D. Critical minimum body temperatures of Holodactylus maculatus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from New Zealand. pg. 41-45 PDF (314 KB)

Didham, R.K. The influence of Honeydew on arthropods associated with beech trees in New Zealand. pg. 47-53 PDF (382 KB)

Palmer, B.R., Mercer, A.A., Healy, J.P. & Louitt, J.S. Isolation and restriction analysis of the cojugative plasmid FP2 of Pseudomoonas aeruginosa. pg. 55-61 PDF (1.8 MB)

Thomas, T.M. & Walker, J.R.L. Metabolism of Quercetin by a Penicillium sp. pg. 63-70 PDF (424 KB)

Short communications

Markwell, T.J. Identification of the sooty beech scale insect (Ultracoelostoma brittini) on Notofagus solandri var. solandri at Coopers Creek, Mt. Oxford, North Canterbury. pg. 71-73 PDF (189 KB)

Hawke, D.J. The presence of female Hooker's sea lions (Phocartos hookeri) on the south-east coast of New Zealand. pg. 75-77 PDF (175 KB)