Volume 1 (Mauri Ora 1973)

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Research Articles

Bennington, S.L. Editorial. pg. 2-4 PDF (385 KB)

Burrows, C.J. The ecological niches of Leptospermum scoparium and L. ericoides (Angiospermae: Myrtaceae) pg. 5-12 PDF (942 KB)

Carryer, T.J. An animal counter using a camera and trigger system. pg. 13-15 PDF (192 KB)

Daly, J.M. Segmentation, autotomy and regeneration of lost posterior segments in Harmothoe imbricata (L.)(Polychaeta: Polynoidae). pg. 17-28 PDF (1,409 KB)

Fenwick, G.D. Breeding biology and population dynamics of the Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli : a review. pg. 29-36 PDF (1,199 KB)

Fordyce, R.E & Tunnicliffe, G.A. The distribution of the blue duck, Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos, in the South Island : a preliminary survey. pg. 37-42 PDF (600 KB)

Gibson, R.N. Reproduction of the house mouse, Mus musculus L., in the Christchurch area. pg. 49-53 PDF (763 KB)

Gibson, R.N. Notes on the burrow System of a colony of Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout,1767) near Christchurch. pg. 55-60 PDF (509 KB)

Heine, M. A comparison of nutrients in leaves and litter of red,silver and mountain beech. pg. 61-64 PDF (569 KB)

Hughes, O.R. Observations on nesting sites of the welcome swallow, Hirundo tahitica, on the eastern fringe of Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury. pg. 65-71 PDF (426 KB)

Jolly, J.N. Movements and social behaviour of the opossum, Trichosurus vulpecula Kerr, in a mixed scrub, bush and pasture habitat. pg. 73-77 PDF (760 KB)

Langer, H.J. A method for analysis of plant competition experiments. pg. 73-77 PDF (447 KB)

Marshall, J.W. A benthic study of the Avon Spring Stream, Christchurch. pg. 79-90 PDF (1,136 KB)

McIvor, I. Activity and daily breathing patterns of the gecko, Hoplodactylus pacificus Gray. pg. 91-94 PDF (360 KB)

Paulin, C.D. Sub-fossil avian remains from two limestone caves in North Taranaki. pg. 95-98 PDF (396 KB)

Rid, L.E. Helminth parasites of the long-finned eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii, and the short-finned eel, A. australis. pg. 99-106 PDF (735 KB)

Tunnicliffe, G.A. The avifauna of the Lake Ellesmere area, Canterbury. pg. 107-135 PDF (3,433 KB)

Walker, J.R.L. Positive feedback mechanisms and plant disease. pg. 137-140 PDF (340 KB)

Wilkinson, C.E. Incidence of a trematode, Diploproctodaeum plicitum (Linton,1928) in the pufferfish, Uranostoma richei (Freminville,1813). pg. 141-146 PDF (592 KB)

Winterbourn, M.J. Energetics of captive house mice, (Mus musculus L.), fed two different foods. pg. 147-155 PDF (1,026 KB)