5. Sierra Cataloging Procedures and Reference

The procedures included in this document address workflows that have been approved by the NYARC Technical Contacts Group to facilitate working in a shared environment. While local procedures and workflows that do not impact the group can be used as needed, the following procedures have been identified as those that must be practiced across the NYARC libraries due to shared system settings or to avoid duplication of effort. Procedures can be revised and added to as needed. All changes to the procedures that impact the group will be discussed with the appropriate NYARC committees and recorded in this document.

Attaching Records to Existing Bibliographic Records in Sierra

This workflow is used when searching Arcade for an existing record and a match is found. Matches can be characterized into two groups: 1) an uncataloged or preliminary bibliographic record or a 2) cataloged bibliographic record.

Whether a record is considered cataloged or not is based on the presence of a cataloging date in the Cat Date fixed field of a bibliographic record.

The two workflows are described below.

Workflow 1: Attaching records to uncataloged or preliminary bib records

    1. If no cat date appears in the bibliographic record in Arcade, then the library ready to catalog the item may overlay the existing temporary record with a record from OCLC using Connexion. The load profiles are set to protect 852, 903, 904 and 906 local fields and the bib location in the fixed fields of records in Arcade. Once the record is overlaid the bib location must be set to indicate that the cataloging library owns the item. The bib location will appear as “multi” when more than one bib location is present.

    2. Attach item, holdings or order records in Arcade as appropriate.

    3. Send an email message to appropriate contact at “on order” library to alert them that the title has been cataloged.

Workflow 2: Attaching records to cataloged bib records

    1. If a cataloging date appears in the bibliographic record, the following MARC fields may be enhanced in Arcade by the library attaching records, as appropriate:

    2. 246

    3. 4xx

    4. 5xx

    5. 6xx

    6. 7xx

    7. 8xx

    8. 9xx

    9. 852

    10. Errors and typos may be fixed; however, fields may not be removed from the record unless approved by the original cataloging library.

    11. Attach item, holdings or order records in Arcade as appropriate.

    12. Update your holdings in WorldCat using Connexion.

OCLC Interactive Gateway and Connexion

This section details the settings for using Sierra’s OCLC Interactive feature to bring records into Arcade directly from OCLC's Connexion client. It also describes how to input item-level data into the bibliographic record to automatically generate item records upon loading.

The dollar sign $ is used in this documentation as the universal delimiter sign. In Connexion, the delimiter is represented as ‡ and in Sierra as | (the pipe symbol).

Sierra/Connexion Interactive Settings

In Connexion go to Tools > Options > Export and edit the settings to match the image below:

IP UPDATE: (as of 9/20/2018)

Please note: You must use the IP address as the Host Name, as opposed to the domain name (arcade.nyarc.org), and a Delay of 20 to receive a detailed import status message from the Sierra server.

Command String

The 949 field triggers the interactive import and tells the system which load profile to use for the import and other Sierra fixed field data to set. The 949 field must begin with *recs and end with ; (semicolon).

The following load profiles have been created for each library for interactive loading. The load profile code follows *recs in the command string. For example, 949__$a*recs=mb;

bb: Brooklyn bibliographic records

fb: Frick bibliographic records

fmx: Frick Auction Catalog records

mbf: MoMA bibliographic records

Additional load profiles exist for special projects and can be created as needed. If you have a question about a specific load profile, contact Lily.

Additional commands can be entered separated by semicolons to populate Sierra (non-MARC) bibliographic fixed fields. The table below contains an abbreviated ist of commands available for the most widely used fields. Please see the Sierra manual for the complete listing of command instructions.















Example 949: 949__$a *recs=fmx;ov=.b1234;b2=x;bn=fm;

The example above uses load profile “fmx” to overlay on bib record # 1234. The material type is set to x for auction catalog and the bib location is set to fm (FRICK MAIN).

*Overlay: The main load profiles for each library are set to reject an incoming record if a match is found on the OCLC control number (001) unless the ov= command is used to specify which bib number to overlay.

The message Connexion displays when a record match in Sierra is found :

Command: *recs=mbf;

Bibliographic and item records will be created

Title: The Victorian Internet : the re

OCLC#: ocm39157695

Overlay code = o, ov_action=’r’, 1 match, overlay rejected

Record not processed

Using the notation “ov=.b#####” (with the # symbol replaced by the bib number) overrides the default behavior of the profile and the desired record will be overlaid.

If no match is found, the record will be inserted into Sierra.

The following fields are protected during the overlay process:

Load profile syntax: @ov_protect="b=F26Vk(852,903,904,906)n(970,971,972)y(059,935,955)"

Bib location (Sierra fixed field)

852 (k - LOCAL INFO)

903 (k - LOCAL INFO)

904 (k - LOCAL INFO)

906 (k - LOCAL INFO)

970 (n - NOTE) TOC data

971 (n - NOTE) TOC data

972 (n - NOTE) TOC data

059 (y - MARC INFO)

935 (y - MARC INFO)

955 (y - MARC INFO)

**Bib location: The Bib location default can be set based on the library’s holding symbol in the 049. The following holdings symbols trigger the default location code, only variations to this default would need to be entered using the bn= command line:

BRZA = ba (Brooklyn ARL)

FXMA = fm (Frick Main)

MMXA = mm (MoMA Manhattan)

**Cat date: The core load profiles listed above are automatically set to insert a cataloging date.

Item Record Creation

Item record creation varies based on library workflow.

Brooklyn and MoMA: An item record will be created for each 949_1 present in the bibliographic record. If 949 _1 is not present, no item will be created.

Frick: A generic item record is generated for each 949 __. Barcodes are added to the item record outside of the cataloging process.

The table below indicates the subfields that will populate the variable and fixed item fields in the record. The fields in bold are the most widley used.

All subfields are associated with 949_1.

Example: 949_1 $i 123456789123 $l mqa $t 3 $n gift from curatorial dept.

The example above creates one item record with barcode 123456789123, item location of MoMA Queens Artists’ Books, with an item type of artists’ book and includes a note field regarding acquisitions.

Description of Notes vs. Messages in Item Records

Message: A free text message field. An item record can contain a number of MESSAGE fields, but only the first one displays in item record displays in circulation functions (all MESSAGE fields appear while editing the record). The system also displays the first MESSAGE field when you check the item in or out.

Imessage: A code corresponding to a library-defined item message. A code entered in this field causes the system to display the code's definition (i.e., the message) during checkout or checkin of the item.

Note: Internal note for staff only

Call Number

The call number is mapped from the 852 in the bibliographic record into the item call number. Indicators and subfields $h and $i are carried over as they appear in the bibliographic record.

Example: 852 0 _ $a NNMoMA $h N6493 1913 $i .A84 1972 v.1 $x MO20080306 rb $x MO20080312 df

Batch Changes from a List of Barcodes

This is the procedure used to process location changes when material is moved from the Frick’s main collection to Clancy’s offsite storage facility, but has other applications. Sierra currently does not have a way to update locations using a file of scanned barcodes. This process uses the program Tera Term Pro to connect to the Sierra server and runs a macro to update the location. The macro may be altered to run other types of changes (e.g. status) on item records.

    1. Download and install Tera Term Pro from http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html. This is a free terminal emulator with a simple macro language that allows for rapid updating of item records.

    2. In the Tera Term Pro directory, create a directory called ‘data’. The path should be: C:\Program Files\TTERMPRO\data. Inside the data directory, create a notepad file called ‘data.dat’. This is the file of barcodes that the program will read from to input the changes. Paste the barcodes of the item records that you want to update into this file. WARNING: It is always best to do a test run of a handful of records before processing a large file.

    3. Copy and paste the code below into a text file in the TTERMPRO directory. This is the macro code and is set to prompt for a new location code. Save the text file as: location_changer.ttl.

;set new location

Inputbox 'Type in new location' 'Location'


;set the location of your list of barcodes you may have to change this

fileopen fhandle 'c:\program files\ttermpro\data\data.dat' 0


filereadln fhandle line

if result goto fclose

sendln line

wait '<SPACE>' 'New data :' 'Record # :'

if result=1 then

sendkcode 57 1

wait 'Record # :'

goto loop

elseif result=2 then

send '07'

wait 'LOCATION='

;For a 5 figure location code uncomment line below

;send loc

;For a shorter location code uncomment line below (an enter has to be added after the location)

sendln loc

wait ','

sendkcode 28 1

wait 'Record # :'

goto loop

elseif result=3 then

goto loop



fileclose fhandle


wait '(y/n)'

send 'y'

wait 'continue'

sendkcode 57 1

    1. Launch Tera Term Pro and connect to the Arcade server using arcade.nyarc.org (see screenshot below)

    1. Use the telnet login to connect to Arcade.

    2. From the main menu D>R>initials>I make sure you answer 'n' to everything until you get to record #:

    3. Go to Control > Macro and select “location_changer.ttl”(this is the macro file).

    4. You will be prompted for a new location code. Enter the code and the program will process the file.

    5. To compare records changed against the file, you must create a review file of the records changed (using Updated date and new location) and export the barcodes. Paste the barcodes out of Sierra into an Excel file and use the conditional formatting to compare the two columns – original barcodes and barcodes processed. There are Excel features (see conditional formatting and sorting cells by color) that can assist in isolating the unique values that were not changed.

Deaccessioning Periodicals

When a periodical is de-accessioned an internal note will be added to the order record. If one NYARC library is committed to continuing the run, this too will be noted. NYARC- wide decisions will be noted in all caps reading NYARC DECISION, attributing it to the appropriate library director and will include the date.


When a periodical run is cancelled by one library and continued by another the cataloging date will be removed from the order record of the canceling library. The status fixed field will be marked z Cancelled. By removing the cataloging date the status will display in Arcade.

See title: “Against the grain” http://arcade.nyarc.org/record=b497681~S1 for reference.


These procedures are used for indicating bound-with materials in Arcade. Bound-withs are separate titles that have been bound together into the same volume. In a bound-with situation it is necessary to link the single item record for a volume to all the titles found within to ensure that the status (e.g. Checked-out) is correctly displayed in the system for each title.

    1. Open (or create) the single item record connected to the bound-with volume.

    2. Go to the Edit dropdown menu and select Link to additional bib record.

    3. A search box will appear so you may perform a search for the bibliographic record you wish to link to.

    4. Select the record you want to link to. The record will appear. Click Use bib to link the item to this bib. This action will throw you back to the summary display of the original record you were working with. If you open the item you will see the item is now linked to multiple bib records, which is indicated at the bottom of the screen.

    1. When you are finished with a record, close it.

    2. To unlink an item record from a bib, simply right click on the bib number in “Also linked to record(s):” section and click Remove link to bib record.

Please keep in mind that the Call Number may need editing based on local practices.

e.g., if SAGA volumes 2, 3, and 4 are in one binding, edit the call no. accordingly, "$hN330 $iSAGA v.2-v.4"

Local bound with notes may be added as necessary in the 501; however, these local notes are not scopeable.

See: http://arcade.nyarc.org:80/record=b894475~S2

501 __ |3Brooklyn:|aBound with five other Christie's (New York) catalogs in1993-94 volume.|5NBB