
Local Parameter Field Assignment

Local Parameters are data fields within the Bibliographic Details and Holdings Details dimensions in Analytics that can be assigned to display and report on any Marc field in the bibliographic or holdings record.  Whereas previously only ten fields each were available for bibliographic and holdings records as of July 2024 thirty fields are now available for bibliographic records (holdings records are still limited to ten).  The labels for these fields, how they appear in your design desplay, have also been improved. The assigned Marc field appears at the start of the label, and assigned fields are sorted numerically at the top of the field list.

IMPORTANT: Unassignd local paramter fields WILL NOT DISPLAY as they did previously.

Going forward, it may not be necessary to retain the below documentation since analytics shows what marc field is assigned and with thirty available fields the need to swap out assignments is greatly reduced or even eliminated. 

[Updated J Lill 7/11/2024]

Bibliographic Details 

Holdings Details