Demo Program

After the release of this demo program for KNOTS Equations, I got some requests that asking me to explain the usage of those equations and comment the demo program for their functionalities. Though I am really not good to describe things especially the math realtions of geometry in English, but I still tried my best to manage the explanation of this demo program. Please take a look at this link of Codeproject, I hope it can help you to read my code easier.


The reason why I am willing to spend months of time to find out the real working mechanism in behind the MULTIPLICITY-of-KNOT is because of two reasons.

First one is by my own intuition, I do not quite agree with the contemporary definition or explanation about multiplicity after lots of test that I did. Second reason is because if I have to go through the basis function every time to get each point of the NURBS curve then why not to straight it out and see what its inside really is?

I apology that I took out all of the remarks from the code I wrote below. It is because if you really like to read it then you have to pay some attention also you may have different viewpoints with mine after you test it.

// B-Spline.cpp


// Note:


// This code is for demo purpose only.

// There is no warranty that my code is totally bug-free or no-harm at all,

// anyone likes to copy or try it has to take the risk by her or him-self.


// Copyright is reserved.



// Author comment:

// The major purpose of this program is used to demo how to convert any NURBS

// curve into poly-Bezier segments via the algorithm of my "Knots Equations".


// Once you finished a NURBS drawing with this program, you can verify it with

// OpenGL command "gluNurbsCurve()" by press the 'V' key. However, if you are

// really lucky, you may find there are some knots pattern that gluNurbsCurve()

// does not handle or draws nothing in return.


// It is up to you to make the final judgment about what happened?



// Bug update:


// The old version dated on 20150201 has a concept bug of my own, although it

// does no influence to the NURBS curve that drawn by BezPts[], but it is

// still a bug. The newer version has been updated as below.


// I apology for any inconvinence it caused to all of my readers.


// Author: Hunt Chang 20150524


#include <direct.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <vector>

#include <crtdbg.h>

#include <freeglut.h>

// key function


// 2 Bez2 B-Spline curve

// 3 Bez3 B-Spline curve

// 4 Bez4 B-Spline curve

// c/C clear Control Points

// u/U Toggle Uniform or Non-Uniform B-Spline mode

// f/F Toggle clamped mode on first-end

// l/L Toggle clamped mode on last-end

// b/B if B-Spline is in closed loop then break it at its original ends

// k/K reset knots array

// h/H show BezPts[] of all Bez3 segments in Non-Uniform mode

// v/V if B-Spline is in Non-Uniform mode then verify it by a double draw of B-Spline with OpenGL command

// s/S saveData(): CtrlPts/RingPts, OpenNuts/RingNuts & BezPts to <dataLog.txt> file.

// ESC quit



class BitAry


std::vector<unsigned int> bits;

int _max;


BitAry(int m = 0) { bits.resize(m/32+1); _max = m; }

void SetBit(int k)


_ASSERTE(k <= _max);

bits[k/32] |= (1 << (k%32));


void ClearBit(int k)


_ASSERTE(k <= _max);

bits[k/32] &= ~(1 << (k%32));


bool ChkBit(int k)


_ASSERTE(k <= _max);

unsigned int kk = k%32, bit = (bits[k/32] & (1 << kk));

return (1 == bit >> kk);


void SetAll()


_ASSERTE(_max > 0);

int n = bits.size();

memset(&bits[0], 0xFF, n*sizeof(int));


void Resize(int m)


bits.clear(); bits.resize(m/32+1);

_max = m;





const double FLT_EPSILON = 1.192092896e-07F;

struct Vec2D


double x, y;

Vec2D(double dx = 0.0, double dy = 0.0) { x = dx; y = dy; }

Vec2D operator-() { return Vec2D(-x, -y); }

Vec2D operator+(Vec2D pt) { return Vec2D(x+pt.x, y+pt.y); }

Vec2D operator-(Vec2D pt) { return Vec2D(x-pt.x, y-pt.y); }

Vec2D operator*(double d) { return Vec2D(x*d, y*d); }

Vec2D operator/(double d) { return Vec2D(x/d, y/d); }

bool operator==(Vec2D pt) { return (FLT_EPSILON >= abs(x-pt.x) && FLT_EPSILON >= abs(y-pt.y)); }

bool operator!=(Vec2D pt) { return (FLT_EPSILON < abs(x-pt.x) || FLT_EPSILON < abs(y-pt.y)); }




#define NoteMsg(msg) ::MessageBox(::GetActiveWindow(), msg, "Notice:", MB_ICONINFORMATION)

enum BSpl_Const { QUAD = 2, CUBIC = 3, QUART = 4, };

#define SEG 64

#define KEY_ESC 27

// window size

int ww = 800;

int wh = 640;

int NDEG;

int pickRadius = 5;

int lIdx = -1; // used to remember the moving control index

bool bUnif = true; // set to use uniform B-Spline

bool bRing = false; // B-Spline is in Ring mode

bool bClampF = true; // set clamp at first end

bool bClampL = true; // set clamp at Last end

bool bVerify = false; // draw a verification curve by gluNurbsCurve() command

bool bHull = false; // show poly-Bezier segments' control hull

char txtBuf[64];

char title[] = "NURBS";

char deg2[] = "Quadratic", deg3[] = "Cubic", deg4[] = "Quartic";

char typ0[] = "Uniform ", typ1[] = "Non-uniform ";

std::vector<Vec2D> CtrlPts; // core record of NURBS' control points

std::vector<Vec2D> RingPts; // RingPts[], control-points used by Ring-NURBS.

std::vector<double> coreNuts; // coreNuts is the base of Knots[]

std::vector<double> OpenNuts; // knots array used by Open-NURBS

std::vector<double> RingNuts; // knots array used by Ring-NURBS.

std::vector<Vec2D> BezPts; // this is the polyBez array used to draw NURBS.

std::vector<Vec2D> tFL(2); // records the cF(Cubic) or dF(Quartic) and bL of polyBez.

BitAry Bits; // records the validity of each curve-segment.

GLUnurbsObj *pNurb = NULL;



void clearData()


bRing = false; CtrlPts.clear(); coreNuts.clear();


void drawCtrlPoly(int n, Vec2D pt[])


glLineWidth(1.0); glColor3f(0.85f, 0.85f, 0.98f); // silver


glLineStipple(1, 0x00FF);



for (int i=0; i<n; i++) glVertex2d(pt[i].x, pt[i].y);





void drawPts(int n, Vec2D pt[])



for (int i=0; i<n; i++) glVertex2d(pt[i].x, pt[i].y);



void drawHullPts(int n, Vec2D pt[])



for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {

if (0 == i%NDEG) { glColor3f(0.66f,0.66f,0.66f); glPointSize(8.0); } // gray

else { glColor3f(0.8f,0.5f,0.2f); glPointSize(5.0); } // gold

glVertex2d(pt[i].x, pt[i].y);




void drawHullLine(int n, Vec2D pt[])


glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); glLineWidth(1.0);

glLineStipple(1, 0x0707); glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); // dashed pattern

for (int j=0; j<n/NDEG; j++) {

if (! Bits.ChkBit(j)) continue;


for (int i=0; i<=NDEG; i++) glVertex2d(pt[j*NDEG+i].x, pt[j*NDEG+i].y);






void pickPt(int button, int state, int xPos, int yPos)


double dx, dy, newX = xPos, newY = wh - yPos; int n = CtrlPts.size();

if (state == GLUT_DOWN) {

if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) {

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

dx = CtrlPts[i].x-newX; dy = CtrlPts[i].y-newY;

if (sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) <= pickRadius) {

lIdx = i; break;





if (state == GLUT_UP) {

if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) {

if (-1 == lIdx) {

if (bRing) return;

CtrlPts.push_back(Vec2D(newX, newY));

} else if (-1 < lIdx) {

CtrlPts[lIdx].x = newX; CtrlPts[lIdx].y = newY;

if (bRing) {

if (0 == lIdx) CtrlPts[n-1] = CtrlPts[0];

else if (n-1 == lIdx) CtrlPts[0] = CtrlPts[n-1];



lIdx = -1;






void mouseMove(int xPos, int yPos)


int n = CtrlPts.size(), newX = xPos, newY = wh - yPos; double dx, dy;

if (lIdx > -1) {

CtrlPts[lIdx].x = newX; CtrlPts[lIdx].y = newY;

if (n > 3) {

if (! bRing) {

if (0 == lIdx) {

dx = newX-CtrlPts[n-1].x; dy = newY-CtrlPts[n-1].y;

bRing = (sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) <= pickRadius) ? true : false;

if (bRing) { CtrlPts[n-1] = CtrlPts[0]; RingPts.clear(); }

} else if (n-1 == lIdx) {

dx = newX-CtrlPts[0].x; dy = newY-CtrlPts[0].y;

bRing = (sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) <= pickRadius) ? true : false;

if (bRing) { CtrlPts[0] = CtrlPts[n-1]; RingPts.clear(); }


} else {

if (0 == lIdx) CtrlPts[n-1] = CtrlPts[0];

if (n-1 == lIdx) CtrlPts[0] = CtrlPts[n-1];







void setKnots()


int n = CtrlPts.size(), ORD = NDEG+1, nNuts = n+ORD, m = coreNuts.size();

if (m != nNuts) { RingPts.clear(); BezPts.clear(); }


if (bUnif) {

for (int i=0; i<nNuts; i++) coreNuts[i] = i;

} else {


if (0 == m) {

coreNuts[0] = 0;

for (int i=1; i<nNuts; i++) coreNuts[i] = coreNuts[i-1]+((double) (rand() % 10));

} else if (m < nNuts) {

for (int i=m; i<nNuts; i++) coreNuts[i] = coreNuts[i-1]+((double) (rand() % 10));



if (bRing) {

m = NDEG-1; nNuts += m; RingNuts.resize(nNuts);

int k = n+1; memcpy(&RingNuts[0], &coreNuts[0], sizeof(double)*k);

for (int i=k; i<nNuts; i++) RingNuts[i] = RingNuts[i-n+1]-RingNuts[i-n]+RingNuts[i-1];

if (0 == RingPts.size()) {

k = n+m; RingPts.resize(k); memcpy(&RingPts[0], &CtrlPts[0], sizeof(Vec2D)*n);

for (int i=n; i<k; i++) RingPts[i] = CtrlPts[i-n+1];


} else {

OpenNuts.resize(nNuts); memcpy(&OpenNuts[0], &coreNuts[0], sizeof(double)*nNuts);

if (bClampF) { for (int i=NDEG; i>0; i--) OpenNuts[i-1] = OpenNuts[i]; }

if (bClampL) { for (int i=n; i<(n+NDEG); i++) OpenNuts[i+1] = OpenNuts[i]; }



void verifyGL(int nPt, Vec2D pt[], double nut[])


int ORD = NDEG+1, k = nPt+ORD;

std::vector<float> fPt(nPt*3); std::vector<float> fNut(k);

for(int j=0; j<nPt; ++j) { fPt[j*3] = (float) pt[j].x; fPt[j*3+1] = (float) pt[j].y; fPt[j*3+2] = 0; }

for(int j=0; j<k; ++j) fNut[j] = (float) nut[j];

glLineWidth(1); glColor3ub(255,0,255); // purple B-Spline

pNurb = gluNewNurbsRenderer();

gluNurbsProperty(pNurb, GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE, 15);


gluNurbsCurve(pNurb, k, &fNut[0], 3, &fPt[0], ORD, GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3);


if (pNurb) gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(pNurb);


void drawBez2Cuv()


Vec2D A, B, pt; double u; int n = BezPts.size();


for (int j=0; j<n/QUAD; j++) {

if (! Bits.ChkBit(j)) continue;

B = BezPts[j*2+1]-BezPts[j*2]; A = BezPts[j*2+2]-BezPts[j*2+1]*2+BezPts[j*2];


for (int k=0; k<=SEG; k++) {

u = ((double) k)/SEG; pt = (A*u+B*2)*u+BezPts[j*2];

glVertex2d(pt.x, pt.y);





void drawBez3Cuv()


Vec2D A, B, C, pt; double u; int n = BezPts.size();


for (int j=0; j<n/CUBIC; j++) {

if (! Bits.ChkBit(j)) continue;

A = BezPts[j*3+3]-BezPts[j*3]-(BezPts[j*3+2]-BezPts[j*3+1])*3;

C = BezPts[j*3+1]-BezPts[j*3]; B = BezPts[j*3+2]-BezPts[j*3+1]*2+BezPts[j*3];


for (int k=0; k<=SEG; k++) {

u = ((double) k)/SEG; pt = (A*u*u+(B*u+C)*3)*u+BezPts[j*3];

glVertex2d(pt.x, pt.y);





void drawBez4Cuv()


Vec2D A, B, C, D, pt; double u, uu; int n = BezPts.size();


for (int j=0; j<n/QUART; j++) {

if (! Bits.ChkBit(j)) continue;

A = BezPts[j*4+4]+BezPts[j*4]+BezPts[j*4+2]*6-(BezPts[j*4+3]+BezPts[j*4+1])*4;

B = BezPts[j*4+3]-BezPts[j*4]-(BezPts[j*4+2]-BezPts[j*4+1])*3;

D = BezPts[j*4+1]-BezPts[j*4]; C = BezPts[j*4+2]-BezPts[j*4+1]*2+BezPts[j*4];


for (int k=0; k<=SEG; k++) {

u = ((double) k)/SEG; uu= u*u; pt = ((A*uu+C*6)*u+(B*uu+D)*4)*u+BezPts[j*4];

glVertex2d(pt.x, pt.y);





void setPolyBez2(int n, double nut[], Vec2D pt[])



double d, t; int mx = n-2, m = mx*2+3, k = m-2; std::vector<Vec2D> tv(m);

Bits.Resize(mx); Bits.SetAll(); tv[0] = pt[0]; tv[m-1] = pt[n-1];

for (int i=0; i<mx; i++) {

tv[i*2+2] = pt[i+1]; d = nut[i+3]-nut[i+1];

if (0 != d) { t = (nut[i+2]-nut[i+1])/d; tv[i*2+1] = (pt[i+1]-pt[i])*t+pt[i]; }

else {


if (0 < i) Bits.ClearBit(i-1);



d = nut[mx+3]-nut[mx+1];

if (0 != d) { t = (nut[mx+2]-nut[mx+1])/d; tv[k] = (pt[n-1]-pt[n-2])*t+pt[n-2]; }

else Bits.ClearBit(mx-1);

BezPts.resize(k); memcpy(&BezPts[0], &tv[1], sizeof(Vec2D)*k);


void setPolyBez3(int n, double nut[], Vec2D pt[])



Vec2D cF, bL; int mx = n-3, m = mx*3+3, k = m-2; std::vector<Vec2D> tv(m);

double t, d = nut[4]-nut[1]; Bits.Resize(mx); Bits.SetAll();

if (0 != d) { t = (nut[4]-nut[3])/d; tv[0] = pt[0]*t+pt[1]*(1.0-t); }

for (int i=0; i<mx; i++) {

if (0 != (d = nut[i+5]-nut[i+2])) {

t = (nut[i+5]-nut[i+3])/d; tv[i*3+2] = pt[i+1]*t+pt[i+2]*(1.0-t);

t = (nut[i+5]-nut[i+4])/d; tv[i*3+3] = pt[i+1]*t+pt[i+2]*(1.0-t);

if (0 == (d = nut[i+4]-nut[i+2])) Bits.ClearBit(i);

else { t = (nut[i+3]-nut[i+2])/d; tv[i*3+1] = tv[i*3+2]*t+tv[i*3]*(1.0-t); }

} else Bits.ClearBit(i);

if ((! Bits.ChkBit(i)) && (0 < i)) Bits.ClearBit(i-1);


if (0 != (d = nut[mx+5]-nut[mx+2])) {

t = (nut[mx+5]-nut[mx+3])/d; tv[m-1] = pt[n-2]*t+pt[n-1]*(1.0-t);

if (0 == (d = nut[mx+4]-nut[mx+2])) Bits.ClearBit(mx-1);

else { t = (nut[mx+3]-nut[mx+2])/d; tv[k] = tv[k+1]*t+tv[k-1]*(1.0-t); }

} else Bits.ClearBit(mx-1);

BezPts.resize(k); memcpy(&BezPts[0], &tv[1], sizeof(Vec2D)*k);

tFL[0] = tv[0]; tFL[1] = tv[m-1];


void setPolyBez4(int n, double nut[], Vec2D pt[])


_ASSERTE(QUART < n || (3 < n && bRing));

Vec2D cF, bL, tp0, tp1; int k, mx = n-4, m = mx*4+3;

double d0, d1, d2, n0, n1, n2, t0, t1, t2, t3; std::vector<Vec2D> tv(m);

Bits.Resize(mx); Bits.SetAll();

d0 = nut[5]-nut[1]; d1 = nut[6]-nut[2]; d2 = nut[5]-nut[2];

if (0 != d2) {

n0 = nut[5]-nut[4]; n1 = nut[4]-nut[2]; t0 = n0/d0; t1 = n1/d1; t2 = n0/d2;

tv[0] = (pt[0]*t0+pt[1]*(1.0-t0))*t2+(pt[2]*t1+pt[1]*(1.0-t1))*(1.0-t2);


for (int i=0; i<mx; i++) {

d0 = nut[i+6]-nut[i+2]; d1 = nut[i+7]-nut[i+3]; d2 = nut[i+6]-nut[i+3];

if (0 == d2) Bits.ClearBit(i);

else {

n0 = nut[i+4]-nut[i+3]; n1 = nut[i+6]-nut[i+4]; n2 = nut[i+5]-nut[i+3];

t0 = n1/d0; t1 = n0/d1; t2 = n0/d2; t3 = n2/d1;

tp0 = pt[i+1]*t0+pt[i+2]*(1.0-t0); tp1 = pt[i+3]*t3+pt[i+2]*(1.0-t3);

tv[i*4+2] = tp0*(1.0-t2)+(pt[i+3]*t1+pt[i+2]*(1.0-t1))*t2;

n0 = nut[i+5]-nut[i+4]; t1 = n0/d2; t0 = (nut[i+5]-nut[i+2])/d0;

tv[i*4+3] = tp0*(1.0-t1-t2)+tp1*t2+pt[i+2]*t1;

t2 = n2/d2; tv[i*4+4] = (pt[i+1]*(1.0-t0)+pt[i+2]*t0)*(1.0-t2)+tp1*t2;

if (0 != n2) { t0 = n0/n2; tv[i*4+1] = tv[i*4]*t0+tv[i*4+2]*(1.0-t0); }

else Bits.ClearBit(i);


if ((! Bits.ChkBit(i)) && (0 < i)) Bits.ClearBit(i-1);


d1 = nut[mx+7]-nut[mx+3]; d2 = nut[mx+6]-nut[mx+3]; k = m-2;

if (0 != d2) {

t1 = n0/d1; t2 = n0/d2; tv[m-1] = tp1*(1-t2)+(pt[n-1]*t1+pt[n-2]*(1.0-t1))*t2;

if (0 != n1) { t1 = n0/n1; tv[k] = tv[k-1]*(1.0-t1)+tv[k+1]*t1; }

else Bits.ClearBit(mx-1);

} else Bits.ClearBit(mx-1);

BezPts.resize(k); memcpy(&BezPts[0], &tv[1], sizeof(Vec2D)*k);

tFL[0] = tv[0]; tFL[1] = tv[m-1];


void saveData()


FILE *fp; char buf[8192], file[] = "\\dataLog.txt", nL[] = "---------------- New Log ----------------\n", *p;

_getcwd(buf, _MAX_PATH);

_ASSERTE(NULL != buf);

strcat_s(buf, file);

int k, m, n, L, o; Vec2D *pt; double *dk;

n = ((bRing) ? RingPts.size() : CtrlPts.size());

if ((NDEG == QUAD && 3 > n) || (NDEG == CUBIC && 4 > n) || (NDEG == QUART && 5 > n)) {

NoteMsg("Number of Control points are too few to draw a Curve-Segment. "); return;


if (bRing) { pt = &RingPts[0]; dk = &RingNuts[0]; k = RingNuts.size(); }

else { pt = &CtrlPts[0]; dk = &OpenNuts[0]; k = OpenNuts.size(); }

if (0 != (fopen_s(&fp, buf,"a+"))) return;

fwrite(nL, sizeof(nL), 1, fp);

if (NDEG == QUAD) p = deg2;

else if (NDEG == CUBIC) p = deg3;

else p = deg4;

m = sprintf_s(buf, 8192, "\t%s%s B-Spline; \tRing-mode: %s\n", ((bUnif) ? typ0 : typ1), p, ((bRing) ? "ON" : "OFF"));

fwrite(buf, m, 1, fp);

// list control points

m = sprintf_s(buf, 8192, "Control Points: %d\n", n); L = 5; o = n/L;

for (int i=0; i<o; i++) {

for(int j=0; j<L; ++j) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " (%.02f, %.02f); ", pt[i*L+j].x, pt[i*L+j].y);


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "\n");


o *= L; L = n%L;

if (0 < L) {

for(int j=0; j<L; ++j) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " (%.02f, %.02f); ", pt[o+j].x, pt[o+j].y);


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "\n");


fwrite(buf, m, 1, fp);

// list knots array

m = sprintf_s(buf, 8192, "Knots array: %d\n", k); L = 10; o = k/L;

for (int i=0; i<o; i++) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " { ");

for(int j=0; j<L; ++j) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "%.04f, ", dk[i*L+j]);


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "}\n");


o *= L; L = k%L;

if (0 < L) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " { ");

for(int j=0; j<L; ++j) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "%.04f, ", dk[o+j]);


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "}\n");


fwrite(buf, m, 1, fp);

// list BezPts & Bits redords

m = sprintf_s(buf, 8192, "Control Points of Poly-Bezier Curve:\n");

k = BezPts.size(); o = k/NDEG; pt = &BezPts[0];

for (int i=0; i<o; i++) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " %s\t", ((Bits.ChkBit(i)) ? "VALID" : "NULL"));

for(int j=0; j<NDEG; ++j) {

m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, " (%.15f, %.15f); ", pt[i*NDEG+j].x, pt[i*NDEG+j].y);


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "\n");


m += sprintf_s(buf+m, 8192-m, "\t (%.15f, %.15f); \n\n", pt[k-1].x, pt[k-1].y);

fwrite(buf, m, 1, fp); fclose(fp); NoteMsg("Data have been saved. ");


void drawNURBS()


int n = CtrlPts.size(), m = n-4; Vec2D *pt; double *pNut;

if (0 == n) return;

glPointSize(4.0); glColor3f(1.0f, 0, 1.0f); // purple

drawPts(n, &CtrlPts[0]); drawCtrlPoly(n, &CtrlPts[0]);

if (bRing || (QUAD < n && NDEG == QUAD) || (CUBIC < n && NDEG == CUBIC) || (QUART < n && NDEG == QUART))


else return;

// set BezPts[]

if (bRing) { pt = &RingPts[0]; pNut = &RingNuts[0]; n = RingPts.size(); }

else { pt = &CtrlPts[0]; pNut = &OpenNuts[0]; }

if (NDEG == QUAD) setPolyBez2(n, pNut, pt);

else if (NDEG == CUBIC) setPolyBez3(n, pNut, pt);

else if (NDEG == QUART) setPolyBez4(n, pNut, pt);

// draw B-Spline

if (bUnif) glColor3f(0,1.0f,0); // green uniform B-Spline

else glColor3f(0,0,1.0f); // blue non-uniform B-Spline

if (NDEG == QUAD) drawBez2Cuv();

else if (NDEG == CUBIC) drawBez3Cuv();

else if (NDEG == QUART) drawBez4Cuv();

// verify curve with OpenGL command

if (bVerify) {

verifyGL(n, pt, pNut); bVerify = false;


if (bHull) {

drawHullPts(BezPts.size(), &BezPts[0]);

if ((NDEG == CUBIC || NDEG == QUART) && (!bRing)) {

glColor3f(0,0,0); drawPts (2, &tFL[0]);


glColor3f(0,0.8f,0.8f); drawHullLine(BezPts.size(), &BezPts[0]); // cyan

bHull = false;



void init()


NDEG = CUBIC; bUnif = bClampF = bClampL = false;

glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);



void setTitle()


char *p;

int k = sprintf_s(txtBuf, 64, "%s: %s", title, ((bUnif) ? typ0 : typ1));

if (NDEG == QUAD) p = deg2;

else if (NDEG == CUBIC) p = deg3;

else p = deg4;

sprintf_s(txtBuf+k, 64-k, "%s mode", p);


void keyIn(unsigned char ch, int x, int y)


int oldMode = NDEG; bool bTxt = false;

switch(ch) {

case '2':


if (oldMode == NDEG) return;

else { coreNuts.clear(); bTxt = true; }


case '3':


if (oldMode == NDEG) return;

else { coreNuts.clear(); bTxt = true; }


case '4':


if (oldMode == NDEG) return;

else { coreNuts.clear(); bTxt = true; }


case 'u': case 'U':

bUnif = ! bUnif; RingPts.clear(); bTxt = true;


case 'f': case 'F': bClampF = ! bClampF; break;

case 'l': case 'L': bClampL = ! bClampL; break;

case 'b': case 'B':

if (bRing) {

CtrlPts[0].x -= 15; CtrlPts[0].y += 15;

RingPts.clear(); bRing = false;

} else return;


case 'k': case 'K':

if (bUnif) return;

else coreNuts.clear();


case 'v': case 'V':

if ((QUAD == NDEG && 2 < CtrlPts.size()) || (CUBIC == NDEG && 3 < CtrlPts.size()) || (QUART == NDEG && 4 < CtrlPts.size()))

bVerify = true;

else if (bRing && (QUART == NDEG && 3 < CtrlPts.size())) bVerify = true;

else return;


case 'h': case 'H':

if ((QUAD == NDEG && 2 < CtrlPts.size()) || (CUBIC == NDEG && 3 < CtrlPts.size())) bHull = true;

else if (QUART == NDEG) {

if (bRing && 3 < CtrlPts.size()) bHull = true;

else if (4 < CtrlPts.size()) bHull = true;


else return;


case 'c': case 'C': clearData(); break;

case 's': case 'S': saveData(); return;



if (bTxt) { setTitle(); glutSetWindowTitle(txtBuf); }



void display()






void reshape(int w, int h)


glViewport(0, 0, (GLsizei) w, (GLsizei) h);

ww = w; wh = h;



gluOrtho2D(0.0, w, 0.0, h);


void listCommand()


printf("\nkey function:\n\n");

printf("\tmouse-click\tadd new control point\n");

printf("\tmouse-drag \tmove control point\n");

printf("\t2\tdraw Quadratic B-Spline curve\n");

printf("\t3\tdraw Cubic B-Spline curve\n");

printf("\t4\tdraw Quartic B-Spline curve\n");

printf("\tu or U\ttoggle Uniform or Non-Uniform B-Spline mode\n");

printf("\tf or F\ttoggle clamped curve on first-end\n");

printf("\tl or L\ttoggle clamped curve on last-end\n");

printf("\tb or B\tbreak ring-curve mode\n");

printf("\tk or K\treset knot array (Non-Uniform mode only)\n");

printf("\th or H\tshow poly-Bezier control points\n");

printf("\tv or V\tverify NURBS curve by OpenGL-command <gluNurbsCurve()>\n");

printf("\tc or C\tclear all control point(s)\n");

printf("\ts or S\tsave data to file <dataLog.txt>\n");

printf("\tESC \tquit\n\n");

printf(" Author: Hunt Chang 20141130\n");


int main(int argc, char **argv)


glutInit(&argc, argv);


glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB);

glutInitWindowSize(ww, wh);











return 0;




Author declaration:

Since I have searched the world-wide-website many times in last few months and have not found anything similar to my “Knots Equations of NURBS” so far. So I think I am the first one who presents these equations to the world. If anyone who would not agree with me about this point then please provide evidence to prove your claim.

I hereby declare that all the equations and program code in the equation page and this code page are derived and written by myself without any second or third party got involved.

Also I hereby open these equations to everyone’s free usage for the good purpose. However the copyright is reserved and no one is allowed to bind these equations for any commercial promotion without the prior written consent of mine.

Hunt Chang 20150301