
My research topics include Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Scientific Computing, with over 110 publications. More of my research papers are in the Google Scholar profile [link].

I have had research papers at prestigious conferences in Computer Vision and Machine Learning (AAAI, ICLR, WACV, NIPS, PAKDD, EMNLP) during the last few years. I received the Golden Globe Award in Science and Technology in 2021. This is one of the government's most prestigious awards for young talents in Vietnam. 

Besides, I won other international and national paper awards: the Best Paper Award of the premier international conference SoMeT 2018 in Granada (Spain), the Top 3 French Alumni Award 2018 in Vietnam, the Championship for the LSC Competition at ACM ICMR 2020, and the Mathematical Research Award 2020 from the Vietnam Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics, Vietnam National Ministry of Education and Training, the Championship for the LSC Competition at ACM ICMR 2021, and Best Presentation Award at KSE 2021, Golden Globe Award in Science and Technology in 2021, Best Demo Award at MMM 2022, Runner-Up Best Paper Award ar KSE 2022, and Runner-Up Best Paper Award ar PACLIC 2022 (CORE B).