CP 301-303

B.Tech Projects guided

B.Tech. CP 302- 303: 

1. Vacuum brazing of dissimilar metals and its Simulation, 01, 2021-2022 Ms. Ishika

2. Molecular dynamic Simulations of crystals and cocrystals , 01, 2021-2022 Ms. Kunika

3. Noodle maker for gluten free flour, 01, 2022-2023, Mr. Vi

4. Simulation of Nanoclusters using Gaussian, 01, 2022-23 Ms. Kanupriya

B.Tech CP 301

1. Quantum: An alternative future of computing, 03

2. Firefighting Robot: A Device for societal Benefit, 04

3. App for intensity measurements, 04

4. Heart Rate Measurement device, 01 2023, Mr. Vipin