Bulletin Board

School Bulletin Board

Please send me messages you would like to post on the School Bulletin Board. Due to space limitations it may be necessary to edit and publish only portions of each letter. Please keep them coming ....Please also send me any news of other North Pointers you are in contact with.

Somendra Pradhan (1978): It is great to be in touch with an ex-NP. I was in NP school from 1974 through 1978 and then graduated from NP College. Presently I am in Hanoi Vietnam with Coca-Cola. I do visit Darjeeling every year during Christmas, but it is not the same old Darj. Things have changed, but the majestic NP & Kanchenjunga remains the same. Do keep in touch.

Donald Martin (1951): Donald is planning to visit NP sometime this year (1999) and would like to know when the Annual School Sports Day will take place. Usually in October, but a more precise date would be much appreciated.

Douglas Augier (1947): I attended the North Point reunion in London (UK) last year with my brother and it was worth attending. We have a small group of about 15 in Melbourne who loosely stays in touch. Alfie Farouque from Pakistan has a large list of NP people with whom he keeps in touch.

Errol Stagg (NP `46 -`54): Trying to contact old chums from 1946 to 1954 in particular Nick Dordi, Peter Rustom, Michael Periera, Mike Martin. I can say that I`ve got a lot of catching-up to do with this bunch!

from Kevin Meyers (Cornwall U.K.):

My father Leonard Meyers and his brother Dudley were at North Point I think in the 1920's/1930's (father was born in 1920 in Calcutta). Both are sadly no longer with us. I remember on the few occasions they were together the intense reminiscing (some funny stories) that ensued including a rendition of the old school song. It is wonderful to find your site and to see the pictures and the song. I wonder if anyone out there on line is around from their day ??!

Calderazzo, Mark A

Would be happy to hear from anyone who remembers me. BTW, have you heard anything of 'Sunny' Thein Aung; graduated Senior Cambridge 1964.

Kingsley, John A

In search of Anjun Gupta (Kurseong) & Steve (Reeves) Chakraborthy (Jalpaiguri). Also Mohan Bir Singh (Kathmandu, Nepal).T.P. Singh & Jimmy Plant & Kamal Bharati (Darjeeling). Nirmal K. Pradhan (Shillong, Assam).

McKenzie, Arnold

Would like to hear from anyone who remembers him at SJC.

Mahtani, Kush Ramchand

Would like to get in touch with his classmates from 1975.

William Harry Martin:

NP 1941-46 of 71 Marmion Road, Portsmouth, Hants, England P05 2AX would like to contact Ashley Moss, Ontario, Canada and any other school friends from this era. Tel/Fax 0044 023 92 822150 e-mail: marmionlodge@btinternet.com

Richard A. K. Sweeney

I met a young North Pointer (Alok Maskara) on returning to Calcutta by train from Nainital last Thursday. I asked him if he would be interested in joining this crowd and he rejoined with a resounding "YES!!". Alok passed out from NP in 1990... (He was born around the time some of us hit the streets after passing out in the early seventies!!! ). You can e-mail him for more details alokmaskara_1@vsnl.com. He lives in Begusarai in Bihar and owns a computer supply company.

Jugu Abraham writes :

I am attaching a jpg file of a photograph of two NP guys of the '71 batch that appeared in prominent newspapers in Dubai this week. Shows Asoke Mukerji, Consul General of India in Dubai, visiting my organization's (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture) agricultural experiments. Yours truly can be seen in the background. Best wishes.

Ajay Goyal NP 1958-1963 writes from Chicago, Illinois, USA:

I graduated in the first batch of the "Indian" Senior Cambridge. Yesterday, I was watching a TV show on JFK's (John F Kennedy) assasination and realised that we were not told of this event as we were in the middle of our final exams that day @NP ....... it has been 40 years now and I will always link these two events .....

Mark E Jonah (NP 1943-1947) writes from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA :

My first cousin is listed.... Edmund Jonah. His brother Ephraim (Effry) Jonah was a student during the same period as Edmund and currently resides in Jerusalem, Israel. My other first cousin Abraham E. Cohen was also a student there and resides in New York, NY. Jigme Yuthok was a student there during my time and resides in Seattle, Wa. Stan Tenduf La was a student there during my time and resides in Canada. He is Phil Laden La's first cousin.

John P.Rundlett writes from England:

Hi, I am trying to trace a Tibetan friend of mine who went to North Point and was there in 1948, his name was Tetong. For the record we were friends in Kalimpong where I lived but left for England in December 1948. Thanking you in hope and anticipation.

Stephen Shortland writes from England:

I am the eldest son of Mr Kenneth Shortland who attended North Point and whose 1946 year book and school badge I have in my possession. My father sadly passed away in 1998. My Father is mentioned a great deal in the book as he was a school prefect and captain of the cricket and hockey teams and also played in the football team as well as setting athletic records. One of his older brothers, Mr Philip Shortland, who attended the school is also mentioned in the year book. ... I would love to see his name on your Alumni. I remember well my father singing the school song when I was a youngster, and I am so proud of him and his past achievements. My only regret is that the family came to England and I never got the chance to attend the school myself and now, at the age of 60 and being a wheelchair user, I doubt very much that I will ever get the opportunity to visit either India or the school.