Contact Us

Nano Photonics Laboratory

Basic Science Building (E6-6)

Department of Physics

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu

Daejeon, 305-701

Rep. of KOREA

Professor Yong-Hee Lee's Office:

Room #308, Building #E6-6

Tel : +82-42-350-2536


Student's Office:

Room #318, Building #E6-6

Tel : +82-42-350-2576

Administrative Assistant's Office (Ms. Sun-Young Lee):

Room #301, Building #E6-6

Tel : +82-42-350-5536 , Fax : +82-42-350-2510


Fabrication: Room #311, Building #E6-6

Measurement: Room #312, Building #E6-6

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