
[Frequently Asked Questions]

* Modify Alarm Time

If you want to change the time, press and hold the time button will switch the screen to the time change.

Please see the following video.

* Should I put the alarm app on the screen?

Magic Alarm app works well in the background state.

Alarm will work well even the screen is turned off, or pressing the home button and using other apps.

* Allow notifications settings

On the first run of this app, allow notifications to get the notification when the alarm is done and display the remaining time (in minutes)on the app's icon.

If you didn't allow the notification, you can turn on the Allow notifications in the following ways:

Go to Settings>Notifications>Magic Alarm and set as the following figure.

* Can't select recorded sound / music.

You need a playable music on your device to select the music option.

And to select a recorded sound, go to this app's Settings> Sound> Record and record the sound you want.

Go to the Settings> Privacy> Media & Apple Music and turn ON the switch of Magic Alarm.

* Can't record the sounds.

Go to the Settings> Privacy> Microphones and turn ON the switch of Magic Alarm.

* What is the number on the app icon?

When you start the alarm, number is displayed on the icon. This number is the time (in minutes) remaining until the alarm ends.

If you want to turn off the number on icon go to the app's Settings> you can switch OFF the numbers displayed on the icon.

* I have a music but i can't select it.

Basically, iCloud song must be connected to the network to play(except downloaded songs)

If you want to use iCloud music, you can change the setting at this app's Options> Sound> Music> Use iCloud Music.

* Volume isn't changing as I setted.

For hearing protection, there is a feature that doesn't change the volume while headhphones are connected.

To change volume while on headphones, go to this app's Settings> Sound and turn ON "Change the volume when headphones are connected" switch.

This setting's default value is OFF.

[User's Guide]

* Main Screen Description

Top Title: Current date

Green button: Last used alarm

* Magic music

Plays a song that can wake you up like magic. If you wake up with the song you like, choose "Favorite song" option. And if you wake up with the song you rarely hear, choose "Unexpected" option.

If you select the "Magic music" in the alarm screen, alarm will rang with one of your favorite song or Unexpected(rarely heared) song in your device.

You can change this option at this app's Settings>Sound>Music.

The default is "Unexpected".

* Set an alarm

Find and tap the button with a time you want.

If you couldn't find a time you want, you can change the time in any buttons.

After starting the alarm, it will work fine even the screen is off or using other apps.

Please see the following video.