Division 1 instructions

General information


Please note that NO VEHICLES ARE ALLOWED onto Trentside North (where the clubs are) from Trent Bridge.

.Follow the link below for detailed information on parking for trailers, competitors and spectators.

Registration and collection of numbers

Refreshments & toilet facilities

Presentation of prizes

The presentation of prizes will be in (or outside) Nottingham Rowing Club after the division. Winners' identities will be verified by inspection of BR Racing Licences.

Map of the course


Cut-off times

While we don't operate a boating schedule, we do strictly enforce cut-off times at fixed locations to ensure that the race starts on time. Any sculler that fails to make these cut-offs will not be allowed to take part in the race - it's unfair on the majority to delay the race for the sake of a few late scullers.

The race starts at 10:00 and the two cut-off times for scullers proceeding towards the start are:

09:15 at Trent Bridge (about 4300 m from the start line) . 

09:30 at Wilford Toll Bridge (about 2500 m from the start line).

These times are the latest that you can pass these points with a realistic chance of making the start time. You may need to allow more time to reach the start if there's a strong current or a stiff headwind.


Warm up pieces

Conducting downstream warm-up pieces on the way to the start is not allowed anywhere on the river due to the risk of collision with scullers proceeding upstream. Anyone  seen doing such a piece risks being disqualified from their event.

Marshalling area

The start

Failure to follow Marshals' instructions at any stage could lead to disqualification.


This rule is present because the Bridgford span of the bridge (on the inside of the bend) is used by boats returning to the landing stages. If a racing crew were to use this arch there would be a serious risk of collision.

The finish

Failure to follow Marshals' instructions at any stage could lead to disqualification.

Weil’s Disease

Weil’s Disease (also known as Leptospirosis) is very rare in UK rivers, but due to the risk (however small) no one is allowed to enter the water for any reason.

If you would like further information about Weil’s Disease, please follow the link below.

Feedback to the Organising Committee

The Organising Committee welcomes any feedback you may have about the event, including aspects you liked as well as any improvements you feel we can make. Your feedback can be given on the day at registration, or via email at nottmautumnhead@gmail.com

Please compete safely, be vigilant and…. enjoy your row!