North Shore Branch 

 New Zealand Society of Genealogists

Welcome to the North Shore Branch of the NZ Society of Genealogists. 

Our aim is to assist members in their Genealogical Research.

We hope you will enjoy your visit.

Latest News Letter. May-2024 

The Monthly Wednesday night meetings are a little more hands on, so bring you devices, we have a WIFI available.

North Shore Branch Constitution

Convenors Corner 


Welcome to the North Shore Genealogy Branch

We are a lively interactive group of people from a variety of backgrounds and depending on what speaker or subject of interest is on that month and the weather of course,  the number attending the meetings can range from a few to about 25

We have recently had presentations about 19th Century Murder & Mayhem in NZ, An Author & Genealogist with a love of history, Family Researchers, RAF Pilot search via Bomber Command, Stories about the Women of Waihi Beach, A Master Mariner & Harbourmaster for the Port of Lyttelton, Microfiche births and how to use coming up and a talk on Norsewood.  Lots of exciting stuff on the agenda.  That's just the day meetings then the night meetings as well aimed more at training although changing as we evolve and requests come from the club members.

We make everyone welcome and would love to meet you.  Bring a friend and come on over to the Senior Citizens Hall at Mayfield Road in Glenfield.  You will always meet others more than willing to chat to you and help you in your research.

Please do get in contact with me or contact any of our committee.

Our details are all on the back of the Newsletters you will find on our web page.

Teresa McCarthy


North Shore Genealogy Branch