
This page is looking at the key features in the group to aid with identification

Notonecta viridis

The key identification features are:

  • a distinct dark X where the wings cross

  • light/powdery hemelytra

  • base wings colour light

  • the metanotum all black under the wings

  • the pronotum is pointed and comes around the eyes (as below)

It can tolerate salinity and therefore used to be associated to coastal areas. However it is also now associated with non-brackish midlands pools and lakes too.

Notonecta glauca

The key identification features are:

  • a dark spot where the wings cross

  • pale green hemelytra

  • base wings colour light

  • the metanotum all black under the wings

This can occur in most water bodies and is abundant in most ponds, canals, ditches and large water bodies.

Notonecta maculata

The key identification features are:

  • peppered spots on the wings

  • ground colour of the wings dark

  • the metanotum orange under wings with dark semicircle (as above)

Found in habitats with hard surfaced areas. They are regularly found in cattle trough's both metal and plastic, next to bridges, brick or wooden structures in the water, Dams and overflows of reservoirs, Canal brick structures, lock's and sluices and hard stoney surfaced ponds.

Notonecta obliqua

The key identification features are:

  • 2 white streaks on the clavus and corium

  • black wings

  • black base colour to the wings

  • the metanotum black under the wings

At altitude this replaces N.glauca but also associates with peat, acid areas and bog pools. Peter Kirkby also found an association with base rich lowland sites over clay.

Notonecta lutea

This has not been found in the UK but it is spreading across Europe and maybe only a matter of time. The key identification features are:

  • the scutellum is white

  • the metanotum is white

  • a dark marginal band on the wing

In the Netherlands it is found in oligotrophic peat pools and eutrophic ditches with rich vegetation