New Infills

While some of enjoy using a plane that was made nearly one hundred years ago, others would prefer to buy something new. The main benefits of new are that the plane hasn't been subjected to years of abuse, neglect, or user modifications and you can get a plane to your particular specifications. There are a number of manufacturers of new infills, most will provide some customization, such as the wood used in the infill, the width of the plane iron, the materials used for the sides, etc. at the buyer's request. It appears to me that if there is a golden age for infill makers, we are in it and I hope buyers recognize their opportunity to buy extremely well made infills in a host of different styles while it lasts.

The lowest price point is a kit. Currently, St. James Bay Tool Co offers cast bronze kits of varying styles and in various stages from rough castings that can take considerable time to finish, to machined castings that are basically ready to go once you make the bun and handle and fit them and through ebay offers dovetailed kits. I do not think they offer a coffin sided dovetail kit. They offer a cast bronze kit similar to a Norris 51, but that is not in this type study. They also offer completed planes. Although he has a website, contacting Bob by phone is often recommended over email.

In 2013 another maker starting offering a casting kit. Sturnella Toolworks Sturnella Cast Plane Kit offers a casting based on article in Work Magazine, which was published in April of 1889, and is now reprinted by ToolsforWorkingWood.Reprint of 1889 Work Magazine Issue No. 5

Other makers include :

Ron Breese . Ron offers completed planes as well as kits.

Konrad Sauer of Sauer and Steiner Konrad offers a variety of styles, including an infill with a similar shape to the A5 with a Norris style adjuster. His website includes a blog on his construction methods.

Karl Holtey makes a number of different styles including an A6. On his blog, he has posted pictures of his planes in various stages of production, including photos of the adjuster.

Stephen M. Thomas - Stephen makes a plane that has some similarities to the A5 shape, but a number of differences in style and function, most notably, he does not dovetail the soles, per se, he uses pin and loop. Sold by Spehar Toolworks

CAUTION - please drape plastic sheathing over your keyboard before clicking on any of these links - because there will be a lot of drooling.