ALS 02-01 Appendix 1: Radiological Work Authorization and Operations Authorized Persons

Category Manager: Fernando Sannibale

Radiological Work Authorization (RWA) 5123: Operations of the Advanced Light Source Accelerator Complex

Group Manager: Fernando Sannibale

RWA 5123 Principal Investigator

Fernando Sannibale

RWA 5123 Designee

Tom Scarvie

Matt Abreu

Radiological Work Authorization (RWA) 1190: Radioactive Materials Handling and Storage at the Advanced Light Source

Group Manager: Doug Taube

RWA 1190 Principal Investigator

Doug Taube

RWA 1190 Designee

David Malone

Scott Taylor

Operations Group

Group Manager: Fernando Sannibale

Deputy for Accelerator Operations

Fernando Sannibale

Operations Group Supervisor

Tom Scarvie

Operations Group Deputy

Simon Leemann

Lead Floor Operator

Matt Abreu

Operator in Charge

Matt Abreu

David Brothers

Liz Creager

Alec Donahue

Chit Hlaing

Angelic Lucero

Haris Mahic

Sean Nord

Kenneth Osborne

Ed Rim

Tom Scarvie

Accelerator Operator

Matt Abreu

David Brothers

Liz Creager

Alec Donahue

Chit Hlaing

Angelic Lucero

Haris Mahic

Sean Nord

Kenneth Osborne

Ed Rim

Tom Scarvie

Floor Operator

Matt Abreu

Liz Creager

Alec Donahue

Chit Hlaing

Angelic Lucero

Haris Mahic

Sean Nord

Kenneth Osborne

Ed Rim

Operator in Training


Authorized Directing Physicists

Group Manager: Fernando Sannibale

Accelerator Physics Group Supervisor

Fernando Sannibale

Accelerator Physics Group Deputy

Simon Leemann

Authorized Directing Physicist

Fernando Sannibale

Simon Leemann

Stefano De Santis

Michael Ehrlichman

Hiroshi Nishimura

Gerg Portmann

Tom Scarvie

Christoph Steier

Changchun Sun

Marco Venturini

PPSTB Administrative Authorizer

Group Manager: Fernando Sannibale

PPSTB Administrative Authorizer

Fernando Sannibale

Tom Scarvie