
This website concerns the systems of non-Newtonian calculus, multiplicative calculus, and nonclassical arithmetic created by Michael Grossman and Robert Katz between 1967 and 1970. The website was last edited on 24 June 2021. 

[1] Dorota Aniszewska. "Multiplicative Runge-Kutta methods", Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 50, 1-2, Springer,  2007.

[2] Agamirza E. Bashirov, Emine Misirli Kurpinar, and Ali Ozyapici. "Multiplicative calculus and its applications", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 337, Issue 1, pages 36 - 48,, Elsevier, January 2008. 

[3] Fernando Córdova-Lepe. "From quotient operation toward a proportional calculus", Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, 2004. (Also, please see [105].)

[4] Fernando Córdova-Lepe. "The multiplicative derivative as a measure of elasticity in economics", TMAT Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias e Ingeniería, Volume 2, Number 3, 2006.

[5]  Non-Newtonian Calculus and Related Matters: Eight Books (Full-View), HathiTrust,;c=216746186%7C%3Cem%3ENon-Newtonian.

[6] Ivor Grattan-Guinnness. The Rainbow of Mathematics: A History of the Mathematical Sciences (originally called: The Norton History of the Mathematical Sciences: The Rainbow of Mathematics), pages 332 and 774, ISBN 0393320308, W. W. Norton & Company, 2000.

[7] Jane Grossman. Meta-Calculus: Differential and Integral , ISBN 0977117022, 1981. 

[8] Jane Grossman, Michael Grossman, and Robert Katz. Averages: A New Approach,  ISBN 0977117049, 1983.

[9] Jane Grossman, Michael Grossman, Robert Katz. The First Systems of Weighted Differential and Integral Calculus, ISBN 0977117014, 1980.

[10] Michael Grossman. Bigeometric Calculus: A System with a Scale-Free Derivative, ISBN 0977117030, 1983.

[11] Michael Grossman. The First Nonlinear System of Differential and Integral Calculus, ISBN 0977117006, 1979. (A detailed account of the geometric calculus.)

[12] Michael Grossman. "An introduction to non-Newtonian calculus", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 10, Number 4, pages 525-528, Taylor and Francis, 1979.

[13] Michael Grossman and Robert Katz, "Isomorphic calculi", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 15, Number 2, pages 253-263, Taylor and Francis, 1984.

[14] Michael Grossman and Robert Katz. "A new approach to means of two positive numbers", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 17, Number 2, pages 205-208, Taylor and Francis, 1986.

[15] Michael Grossman and Robert Katz. Non-Newtonian Calculus, ISBN 0912938013, Lee Press, 1972.

[16] James R. Meginniss. "Non-Newtonian calculus applied to probability, utility, and Bayesian analysis", American Statistical Association: Proceedings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, pages 40 -410, 1980.

[17] "Vito Volterra". Wikipedia article, World Wide Web.

[18] M. Rybaczuk and P. Stoppel. "The fractal growth of fatigue defects in materials", International Journal of Fracture, Volume 103, Issue 1, pages 71 - 94, Springer, 2000.

[19] Dick Stanley. "A multiplicative calculus", Primus, Volume 9, Issue 4, 1999.

[20] Jane Tang. "On the construction and interpretation of means", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 14, Number 1,  pages 55–57, Taylor and Francis, 1983. 

[21] "Multiplicative calculus". Wikipedia article, World Wide Web.

[22] "Product integral". Wikipedia article, World Wide Web.

[23] S. L. Blyumin."Discreteness versus continuity in information technologies: quantum calculus and its alternatives", Automation and Remote Control, Volume 72, Number 11, 2402-2407, DOI: 10.1134/S0005117911110142, Springer, 2011. (Russian version: S. L. Blyumin. "Discreteness versus continuity in information technologies: quantum calculus and its alternatives", Reference 13, Lipetsk State Technical University, 2008.)

[24] Mustafa Riza, Ali Ozyapici, and Emine Misirli Kurpinar. "Multiplicative finite difference methods", Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Volume 67, pages 745 - 754, Online ISSN 1552-4485, Brown University, May 2009.

[25] Manfred Peschel and Werner Mende.The Predator-Prey Model: Do We Live in a Volterra World?, page 246, ISBN 0387818480, Springer, 1986. 

[26] R. Gagliardi. The Mathematics of the Energy Crisis, page 76, Intergalactic Publishing  Company, 1978.

[27] Ali Ozyapici and Emine Misirli Kurpinar. "Notes on Multiplicative Calculus", 20th International Congress of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society, article 67, page 80,  August 2008.

[28] Paul Dickson. The Official Rules, pages 179 and 180, ISBN 9780486797175, Courier Corporation, 2014.

[29] Horst Alzer. "Bestmogliche abschatzungen fur spezielle mittelwerte", Reference 19; Univ. u Novom Sadu, Zb. Rad. Prirod.-Mat. Fak., Ser. Mat. 23/1; 1993.

[30] V. S. Kalnitsky. "Means generating the conic sections and the third degree polynomials",  Saint Petersburg Mathematical Society Preprint 2004-04, Reference 7, 2004.

[31] Methanias Colaço Júnior, Manoel Mendonça, Francisco Rodrigues. "Mining software change history in an industrial environment", Reference 20, XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2009.

[32] Nicolas Carels and Diego Frias. "Classifying coding DNA with nucleotide statistics", Reference 36, Bioinformatics and Biology Insights2009:3, Libertas Academica, pages 141-154, 2009.

[33]  Ali Ozyapici and Emine Misirli Kurpinar. "Exponential Approximation on Multiplicative Calculus",  6th ISAAC congress (The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation), page 471, 2007.

[34] Jane Grossman, Michael Grossman, and Robert Katz. "Which growth rate?", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 18, Number 1, pages 151-154, Taylor and Francis, 1987.

[35] Michael Grossman. "Calculus and discontinuous phenomena", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Volume 19, Number 5, pages 777-779, Taylor and Francis, 1988.

[36] David Malkin. "The evolutionary impact of gradual complexification on complex systems", Doctoral Thesis at University College London's Computer Science Department, 2009.

[37] Raymond W. K. Tang and William E. Brigham. "Transient pressure analysis in composite reservoirs", Reference 18, Stanford University: Petroleum Research Institute (with United States Department of Energy), 1982.

[38] Science Education International, International Council of Associations for Science Education, Volumes 2-3, page 24, 1991.

[39] Ciência e Cultura, Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, Volume 32, Issues 5-8, page 829, 1980.

[40] American Statistical Association: 1997 Proceedings of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science, page 176, 1997.

[41] Choice, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association, Volume 9, Issues 8-12, 1972.

[42] Indian Journal of History of Science, Indian National Science Academy, Volumes 6 - 8, page 154, 1971-1973.

[43] Zentralblatt MATH, FIZ Karlsruhe. 

[44] Theory and Decision, Springer, Volume 6, page 237, 1975.

[45] Kybernetika, Československá Kybernetická Společnost, Volume 9, page 155, 1973.

[46] Aplikace Matematiky, Československá Akademie Věd. Matematický Ustav, Volume 18, page 208, 1973.

[47] Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society.

[48] American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematical Association of America, May of 1973.

[49] Mathematics Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, Volume 57, Number 2, page 119, 1984.

[50] ZDM, Springer.

[51] Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, University of Leipzig, Volume 22, page 97, 1973.

[52] American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematical Association of America, June/July of 1980. 

[53] Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten, Number 105, Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft,  1972.

[54] Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática.

[55] Analele științifice ale Universității "Al. I. Cuza" din Iași: Secțiunea Matematică, Universitatea "Al. I Cuza".

[56] Publicationes Mathematicae, Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem: Matematikai Intézet.  

[57] Nieuw Tijdschrift Voor Wiskunde, P. Noordhoff.  

[58] The Mathematics Student, Indian Mathematical Society, Volumes 53-54, page 57, 1987.

[59] L'Enseignement Mathématique, International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics.

[60] Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum, Institutum Bolyaianum Universitatis Szegediensis.

[61] Industrial Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics Society.

[62] Physikalische Blätter, Physik Verlag, Volume 29, page 48, 1973.

[63] "Scientia"; Rivista di Scienza, ResearchGATE, Volume 107, page 919, 1972.

[64] Science Weekly, American Association for the Advancement of Science,Volume 176, page 954, 1972.

[65] Philosophia mathematica, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Volumes 9-14, page 96, 1972.

[66] Annals of Science, British Society for the History of Science, Volumes 29-30, page 424, 1972.

[67] Science Progress, Science Progress, Volume 60, page 428, 1972.

[68] Revue du CETHEDEC, Centre d'Etudes Théoriques de la Détection et des Communications, Volume 9, page 110, 1972.

[69] Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv, Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft, Volumes 56-57, page 403, 1972. 

[70] Il Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica: A, Societa Italiana di Fisica, page 851, 1972.

[71] Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana, Unione Matematica Italiana, page 289, 1972.

[72] Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes de Recherche Opérationnelle, Centre d'Etudes de Recherche Opérationnelle, Volumes 14-15, page 85, 1972.

[73] Australian Journal of Statistics. Statistical Society of Australia, Volumes 14-15, 1972.

[74] Synthese, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Volume 26, page 181, 1973.

[75] Mathematical Education, India University Grants Commission, Volume 2, 1985.

[76] Institute of Mathematical Statistics Bulletin, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Volumes 1-2, 1972.

[77] Search, Australian & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS), Volume 3, page 457, 1972.

[78] Ali Uzer. "Multiplicative type complex calculus as an alternative to the classical calculus", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, DOI:10.1016/j.camwa.2010.08.089, Elsevier, 2010.

[79] Praxis der Mathematik, Aulis Verlag Deubner, Volume 23, page 94, 1981.

[80] Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics (India), Volume 31, page 176, 1983.

[81] Economic Books: Current Selections, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Economics, Volume 9, page 29, 1982.

[82] Diana Andrada Filip and Cyrille Piatecki. "A non-Newtonian examination of the theory of exogenous economic growth",, CNCSIS - UEFISCSU (project number PNII IDEI 2366/2008) and Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans (LEO), Mathematica Aeterna, Volume 4, Number 2, Hilaris, 2014.

[83] Physique au Canada, Canadian Association of Physicists, Volumes 27-28, page 88, 1971.

[84] Emine Misirli and Yusuf Gurefe. "Multiplicative Adams Bashforth–Moulton methods", Numerical Algorithms, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-010-9437-2, Volume 57, Number 4, pages 425 - 439, Springer, 2011.

[85]  James D. Englehardt  and  Ruochen Li. "The discrete Weibull distribution: an alternative for correlated counts with confirmation for microbial counts in water", Risk Analysis, Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 370–381, DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01520.x, Wiley, 2011.

[86] David Baqaee. "Intertemporal choice: a Nash bargaining approach", Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Research: Discussion Paper Series, ISSN 1177-7567,  DP2010/08, September 2010.

[87] Agamirza E. Bashirov and Mustafa Riza. "Complex multiplicative calculus",, Cornell University, arXiv:1103.1462v1, 2011.

[88] Luc Florack and Hans van Assen. "Multiplicative calculus in biomedical image analysis", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 42, Number 1, DOI: 10.1007/s10851-011-0275-1, Springer, 2011.

[89] Robert G. Hohlfeld, Thomas W. Drueding, and John F. Ebersole. "Application of optical measure theory to atmospheric temperature sounding from TOVS radiances", U.S. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Atmospheric Sciences Division, GL-TR-89-0120, 1989.

[90] Wojbor Woyczynski . "Non-Newtonian calculus for the dynamics of random fractal structures: linear and nonlinear", seminar at The Ohio State University on 22 April 2011.

[91] Economic Statistics, page 41, eM Publications, Google eBook.

[92] Revue de mathématique élémentaires, Birkhäuser, 1982.

[93] Karol Kosar and Ivan Kupka. "Zovšeobecnená derivácia" ("Generalized derivative"), Student Conference, Comenius University at Bratislava in Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89186-68-6, page 62, 2010.

[94] Agamirza E. Bashirov, Emine Misirli, Yucel Tandogdu, and Ali Ozyapici. "On modeling with multiplicative differential equations", HAL Id: hal-0094578,  Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities, Volume 26, Number 4, pages 425-428, ISSN: 1993-0445, DOI:10.1007/s11766-011-2767-6, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Springer, 2011.

[95] Agamirza E. Bashirov and Mustafa Riza. "On complex multiplicative differentiation", TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, pages 75-85, 2011.

[96] Luc Florack. "Regularization of positive definite matrix fields based on multiplicative calculus", Reference 9, Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6667/2012, pages 786-796, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24785-9_66, Springer, 2012.

[97] Stanley Paul Palasek. "Nonlinear modeling and optimization of peptide delivery", Intel® International Science and Engineering Fair, PH029, Society for Science and the Public, 2011.

[98] Mohammad Ali, Anna Lena Lopez, Young Ae You, Young Eun Kim, Binod Sah, Brian Maskery, and John Clemens. "The global burden of cholera", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Research Article ID: BLT.11.093427, United Nations, 2012.

[99] Marco Mora, Fernando Córdova-Lepe, and Rodrigo Del-Valle. "A non-Newtonian gradient for contour detection in images with multiplicative noise", Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 33, Issue 10, pages 1245-1256,, International Association for Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 2012. 

[100] Journal of the Optical Society of America, The Optical Society, Volume 63, January of 1973.

[101] Middlesex Math Notes, Middlesex University, London, England, Volume 3, pages 47 - 50, 1977.

[102] J. I. King. "Optical measure and the non-Newtonian calculus of inverse transfer theory", private communication, 1989. (This study is used in [89].)

[103] Alex Twist and Michael Spivey. "L'Hopital's rule and Taylor's Theorem for product calculus", University of Puget Sound, 2010.

[104] Wojbor Woyczynski . "Non-Newtonian calculus for the dynamics of random fractal structures: linear and nonlinear", seminar at Cleveland State University on 02 May 2012.

[105] F. Córdova-Lepe and M. Pinto. "From quotient operation toward a proportional calculus", International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, Volume 18, Number 6, pages 527-536, 2009. 

[106] Joachim Weickert, Laurent Hoeltgen, and other faculty from the Mathematical Image Analysis Group of Saarland University in Germany. University Course: Analysis beyond Newton and Leibniz, Saarland University, Summer 2012.

[107] Ahmet Faruk Çakmak. "Some new studies on bigeometric calculus", International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.

[108] Sergey P. Verevkin, Vladimir N. Emel'yanenko, Ingo Krossing, and Roland Kalb. "Thermochemistry of ammonium based ionic liquids: tetra-alkyl ammonium nitrates - experiments and computations", The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volume 51, pages 107–113,, Elsevier, 2012.

[109] Bruno Ćurko. "The presence of Ruder Boskovic in the digital world", Proceedings of the Annual International Symposium "Days of Frane Petric - From Petric to Boskovic", ISSN 1884-2236, project/theme: 191-1911112-1092, pages 143-145, The Croatian Philosophical Society in Zagreb, 2011.

[110] Mathematics Department of Eastern Mediterranean University in North Cyprus. Research Group: Multiplicative Calculus.

[111] Luc Florack. "Regularization of positive definite matrix fields based on multiplicative calculus", presented in 2011 at the Third International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods In Computer Vision, Ein-Gedi Resort, Dead Sea, Israel, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: 6667, ISBN 978-3-642-24784-2,  Springer, 2012.

[112] Cengiz Türkmen and Feyzi Başar. "Some basic results on the sets of sequences with geometric calculus", First International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, American Institue of Physics: Conference Proceedings, Volume 1470, pages 95-98, ISBN 978-0-7354-1077-0, doi:, 2012.

[113] Ali Ozyapici. "Non-Newtonian calculi", Master's Thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Mathematics, 2005.

[114] Vito Volterra and Bohuslav Hostinský. Opérations Infinitésimales Linéaires: Applications aux Equations Différentielles et Fonctionnelles, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1938.

[115] Michael Coco. "Multiplicative calculus", seminar at Virginia Commonwealth University's Analysis Seminar in April of 2008. 

[116] Nicholas Stern et al. "Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change", Cambridge University Press, DRR10368, 2006. (Also, please see the review "What is Wrong with Stern?"  published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.) 

[117] Uğur Kadak and Yusuf Gurefe. "Construction of metric spaces by using multiplicative calculus on reals", Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar Series, Fatih University, Mathematics Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 April 2012.

[118] Sunchai Pitakchonlasup, and Assadaporn Sapsomboon. "A comparison of the efficiency of applying association rule discovery on software archive using support-confidence model and support-new confidence model", Reference 13, International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Volume 2, Number 4, pages 517-520, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Press, August 2012.

[119] Ziyue Liu and Wensheng Guo. "Data driven adaptive spline smoothing": Supplement, Statistica Sinica, Volume 20, pages 1143-1163, 2010.

[120] Jarno van Roosmalen. "Multiplicative principal component analysis", Bachelor project, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, 22 April 2012.

[121] Diana Andrada Filip and Cyrille Piatecki. "A non-Newtonian examination of the theory of exogenous economic growth", 2012 seminar at Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans (LEO), Orléans University in France, Groupement de Recherche Européen,, CNCSIS - UEFISCSU (project number PNII IDEI 2366/2008) and Laboratoire d’Economie d’Orléans (LEO), Mathematica Aeterna, Hilaris, 2014. 

[122] Ahmet Faruk Cakmak and Feyzi Basar. "Some new results on sequence spaces with respect to non-Newtonian calculus", Journal of Inequalities and Applications, SpringerOpen, 2012:228, doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2012-228, October of 2012.

[123] Emine Misirli and Yusuf Gurefe. "The new numerical algorithms for solving multiplicative differential equations", International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 04-10 August 2009.

[124] Z. Avazzadeh, Z. Beygi Rizi, G. B. Loghmani, and F. M. Maalek Ghaini. "A numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic-type Volterra partial integro-differential equations using radial basis functions", Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, ISSN 0955-7997, Volume 36, Number 5, pages 881 - 893, Elsevier, 2012.   

[125] ZHENG Xu and LI Jian-Zhong. "Approximate aggregation algorithm for weighted data in wireless sensor networks", Journal of Software, Volume 23, Supplement 1, ISSN 1000-9825,  pages 108 - 119, 2012.

[126] Dorota Aniszewska and Marek Rybaczuk. "Chaos in multiplicative systems", from pages 9 - 16 in the book Chaotic Systems: Theory and Applications by Christos H. Skiadas and Ioannis Dimotikalis, ISBN 9814299715, World Scientific, 2010.

[127] Ahmet Faruk Cakmak and Feyzi Basar. "Space of continuous functions over the field of non-Newtonian real numbers", lecture at The Algerian-Turkish International Days on Mathematics, University of Badji Mokhtar at Annaba, Algeria, October of 2012.

[128] Muttalip Ozavsar and Adem Cengiz Cevikel. "Fixed points of multiplicative contraction mappings on multiplicative metric spaces", arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.5131, 2012.   

[129] Dorota Aniszewska. "Multiplicative Runge–Kutta methods", Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 50, Numbers 1-2 ,  Springer, 2007.

[130] Dorota Aniszewska and Marek Rybaczuk. "Analysis of the multiplicative Lorenz system", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 25, Issue 1, pages 79 - 90, Elsevier, 2005.

[131] Dorota Aniszewska and Marek Rybaczuk. "Lyapunov type stability and Lyapunov exponent for exemplary multiplicative dynamical systems", Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 54, Issue 4, Springer, 2008.

[132] Marek Rybaczuka, Alicja Kedzia, and Witold Zielinskia. "The concept of physical and fractal dimension II - The differential calculus in dimensional spaces", Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 12, Issue 13, pages 2537 - 2552,, Elsevier, 2001.  

[133] Hatice Aktore. "Multiplicative Runge-Kutta methods", Master's Thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Mathematics, 2011.

[134] Christopher Olah, "Multiplicative calculus for analyzing exponential trends", a lecture at the Singularity Summit on 13 October 2012.  

[135] Singularity Summit, 13 October 2012.

[136] Inonu University, Computer Engineering Department. Master's Degree, 2013.

[137] Zafer Cakir. "Spaces of continuous and bounded functions over the field of non-Newtonian complex numbers", lecture at The Algerian-Turkish International Days on Mathematics, University of Badji Mokhtar at Annaba, Algeria, October of 2012.

[138] The 2013 Algerian-Turkish International Days on Mathematics conference, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-14 September 2013.

[139] Gordon Mackay. Comparative Metamathematics, ISBN: 978-0557249572, 2011.

[140] Ali Ozyapici. "Alternatives to the classical calculus: multiplicative calculi", Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey), Mathematics-Department Seminar, 25 December 2008.

[141] Daniel Karrasch. "Hyperbolicity and invariant manifolds for finite time processes", Doctoral Thesis, Technical University of Dresden in Germany, 2012.

[142] Riswan Efendi, Zuhaimy Ismail, and Mustafa Mat Deris. "Improved weight fuzzy time series as used in the exchange rates forecasting of US dollar to ringgit Malaysia", International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, DOI: 10.1142/S1469026813500053, Volume 12, Issue 01, Imperial College Press, March 2013.

[143] Antonin Slavik. Product Integration, Its History and Applications, ISBN 80-7378-006-2, Matfyzpress, Prague, 2007.

[144] Sebiha Tekin and Feyzi Basar. "Certain sequence spaces over the non-Newtonian complex field", Abstract and Applied Analysis (2013), 1--11, doi:10.1155/2013/739319,, Project Euclid, Hindawi, 2013.

[145] Agamirza E. Bashirov. "On line integrals and double multiplicative integrals", TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, Volume 3, Number 1, pages 103 - 107, 2013.

[146]  Wojbor Woyczynski . "Fractional calculus for random fractals", seminar at Case Western Reserve University on 03 April 2013. 

[147] P. Arun Raj Kumar and S. Selvakumar. "Detection of distributed denial of service attacks using an ensemble of adaptive and hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems", Computer Communications, Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 303 - 319,, Elsevier, February of 2013.

[148] Hatice Aktore and Mustafa Riza. "Complex multiplicative Runge-Kutta method", International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.

[149] Diana Andrada Filip and Cyrille Piatecki. "In defense of a non-Newtonian economic analysis",, CNCSIS – UEFISCSU (Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and  LEO (Orléans University, France), 2014.

[150] M. Jahanshahi, N. Aliev, and H. R. Khatami. "An analytic-numerical method for solving difference equations with variable coefficients by discrete multiplicative integration", Dynamical Systems and Applications, Proceedings, pages 425—435,  World Scientific, July 2004.      

[151] H. R. Khatami, M. Jahanshahi, and N. Aliev. "An analytical method for some nonlinear difference equations by discrete multiplicative differentiation", Dynamical Systems and Applications, Proceedings, pages 455—462,  World Scientific, July 2004.         :

[152] N. Aliev, N. Azizi, and M. Jahanshahi. "Invariant functions for discrete derivatives and their applications to solve non-homogenous linear and non-linear difference equations", International Mathematical Forum, Volume 2, Number 11, pages 533–542, Hikari Ltd, 2007.      

[153] Methanias Colaco Rodrigues Junior. "Identificacao E Validacao Do Perfil Neurolinguistic O De Programadores Atraves Da Mineracao De Repositorios De Engenharia De Software", Thesis, Multiinstitutional Program in Computer Science: Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), State University of Feira de Santana (Brazil), and Salvador University (Brazil), IEVDOP neurolinguistic -, 2011.

[154] Jared Burns. "M-Calculi: Multiplying and Means", graduate-seminar, University of Pittsburgh, Mathematics Department, 13 December 2012.

[155] Gunnar Sparr. "A Common Framework for Kinetic Depth Reconstruction and Motion for Deformable Objects", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 801, Springer, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer Vision, Stockholm, Sweden, pages 471-482, May of 1994.

[156] Jie Zhang, Li Li, Luying Peng, Yingxian Sun, Jue Li. "An Efficient Weighted Graph Strategy to Identify Differentiation Associated Genes in Embryonic Stem Cells", PLoS ONE, 8(4): e62716, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062716, April of 2013.

[157] Agamirza E. Bashirov and Mustafa Riza. "On Complex Multiplicative Integration",, Cornell University, arXiv:1307.8293, 2013.

[158] Ali Uzer. "Exact solution of conducting half plane problems in terms of a rapidly convergent series and an application of the multiplicative calculus", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1306-163, 2013.

[159] Zafer Cakir. "Spaces of continuous and bounded functions over the field of geometric complex numbers", Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume 2013:363, doi:10.1186/1029-242X-2013-363, ISSN 1029-242X, Springer, 2013.

[160] Ugur Kadak, Feyzi Basar, and Hakan Efe. "Construction of the duals of classical sequence spaces with respect to non-Newtonian calculus on reals", Fatih University,, 2013.

[161] Ahmet Faruk Çakmak and Feyzi Basar. "Certain spaces of functions over the field of non-Newtonian complex numbers", Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014, Article ID 236124,, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014.

[162] Ali Ozyapici and Bulent Bilgehan. "Applications of multiplicative calculus to exponential signal processing", Algerian Turkish International Days on Mathematics,, 2013.

[163] Martin Ostoja-Starzewski. "The inner workings of fractal materials", Media-Upload, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,, 2013.

[164] Christopher Olah. Christopher Olah's Blog, 07 May 2013.

[165] Andrew Orlowski. "Was Stern 'wrong for the right reasons' ... or just wrong?", The Register, 4 September 2012.

[166] Jérôme Gateau, Nicolas Taccoen, Mickaël Tanter, and Jean-François Aubry. "Statistics of acoustically induced bubble-nucleation events in in-vitro blood: a feasibility study", Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology,  ISSN: 0301-5629, Volume 39, Issue 10, pages 1812-25, doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2013.04.011, Elsevier, October 2013.

[167] The International Journal on Recent Trends in Life Science and Mathematics (IJLSM),, 2017.

[168], book-search/title/integral-calculus/first-edition/page-1/, 2013.

[169] Mustafa Riza and Hatice Aktore. "The Runge-Kutta method in geometric multiplicative calculus", LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, Volume 18, Issue 01, DOI:, London Mathematical Society, Cambridge University Press, 2015.

[170], Non-Newtonian Calculus, 2006.

[171] Bulent Bilgehan. "Finite product representation via multiplicative calculus in signal processing", The International Symposium on Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Girne American University in Cyprus/Turkey, November, 2013.

[172] William Campillay and Manuel Pinto. "Proportional-Differential Equations", VIII Congreso de Análisis Funcional y Ecuaciones de Evolución, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, November, 2013.

[173] Joachim Weickert. University Course CS 101: Differential Equations in Image Processing and Computer Vision, Saarland University in Germany, Summer 2012.

[174] Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonian University in Poland. "Proposed Topics for the Master's Degree", since 2010.

[175] Ali Ozyapici. Seminar: "Applications of Multiplicative Calculi to Economical and Numerical Problems", Girne American University in Cyprus, December of 2013.

[176] Ali Özyapıcı, Mustafa Riza, Bülent Bilgehan, and Agamirza E. Bashirov. "On multiplicative minimization methods", Numerical Algorithms, ISSN: 1017-1398 (Print), ISSN: 1572-9265 (Online), DOI 10.1007/s11075-013-9813-9, Springer, December of 2013.

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