Driving Directions

The conference will be held in rooms 166 & 167 of Demergasso-Bava Hall on the CSU Stanislaus campus. Here is a map to campus. It is not very detailed, so let me just add that you basically want to take Hwy 99 to Turlock, exit at Exit #215 onto Monte Vista Avenue and go east on Monte Vista. When you reach Crowell Rd. you will be at the southwest corner of campus. You will want to turn left onto Crowell and then turn into the first driveway on your right. As you can see on this campus map, this will put you in parking lots 3 &4 (which are free on Saturdays), and Demergasso-Bava Hall is at the east end of Lot 4. This detailed drawing of Demergasso-Bava Hall shows rooms 166 & 167 as the two detached rooms at the northwest corner of the building. We will be mingling in the courtyard in the center of the drawing for refreshments, lunch, and breaks.