Edcamp New Mexico

Free Professional Development for Teachers by Teachers

Our mini-Edcamp is on Saturday November 22nd, 2014

9:00-10:30 AM

@ Hotel Albuquerque (Map)

What Does That Mean?

Come enjoy some time with colleagues from New Mexico. Arrive with an idea for a session that you would like to lead or with the anticipation of conversation and learning. A session might explore a technology tool, a discussion about best practices, or a current topic of interest to the group.

Attendees will list topics they are interested in discussing with other educators. Everyone will then vote on the topics of interest to them. The group will participate in a quick ice breaker while the most popular topics are assigned a space for collaboration. You pick the topic you want to join and “vote with your feet”! Note: One rule of the unconference is to “vote with your feet”. If a session doesn’t meet your needs, simply get up and move on to another room/area!

What is the Cost?

Edcamp New Mexico is free.

How Do I Register?

No need to register! Just show up. If you are attending the conference, or not. *If you want to attend the New Mexico Educators Conference Nov. 21st and Nov. 22nd go to http://nmste.org

What Should I Bring?

Bring a friend. A laptop is useful, but not necessary. Dress comfortable.


Please feel free to send an email to drjillbrown@gmail.com.

Brought to you by NMSTE!