Join us!

We are always looking for passionate and dynamic researchers with strong interests in any or all areas among molecular simulations, multiscale mechanics, glass science, and glass synthesis. In particular, we are excited to support applications for Ph.D. positions and research assistants. If you are interested in discussing this further, please contact Prof. Krishnan (krishnan [at]

Present openings:

  • Postdoc – We are looking for enthusiastic post-doctoral researchers with background in molecular simulations/machine learning. Interested candidates are requested to write to me or apply for the institute postdoctoral fellowship (see:;
  • Ph.D. – We are looking for enthusiastic Ph.D. scholars with background in computer simulations/machine learning. Two open positions are available. Please contact for further information;
  • Research Assistant – Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following experimental areas: glass preparation, differential scanning calorimetry, or thermo-gravimetric analysis of inorganic materials;
  • M-Tech. and B-Tech. project – If you are interested in joining the group, please demonstrate it. You can start by giving a presentation of a paper, of your interest, from our research group. For further details, please contact us.