Parallel interests


I have taught several topic for MSc in data science course at Amity University Haryana, India. This included graphs and social networks, natural language processing, data structures and algorithm design, and basics of Linux operating system.

I supervised students on topics related to drone detection, disease prediction, bitcoin popularity among social media users.

Data Science Projects


As a hobby I indulge in other domains that includes Game Theory, and Astrodynamics. On this page I put together some stuff that I have touched upon over the course of time on these topics. These are not scholarly work.

Prisoners Dilemma

Prisoners dilemma game in evolutionary setting . A player adopts the "best" strategy in its neighbourhood at each time step. Shown are the patterns emerging when such a game is played in Von-Neumann and Moore neighbourhoods. Only one defector is put at the center of lattice in each case.

War of Attrition

War of attrition is a standard paradigm to model competition between groups based on the capital they can bring in for achieving their goals/objective.


An interesting paradigm to model competition is the Rock-Paper-Scissors

Lagrange Points

The solar probe Aditya L1 was launched by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in September  2023. It is headed to Lagrange point L1 of the sun and earth system to investigate atmosphere of the Sun. The Lagrange points of two large gravitational bound objects are equilibrium points where the Gravitational pull balances out. This means any object at the Lagrange point can stay there forever and perform observations without requiring much fuel to maintain its position. For the Earth-Sun system if we assume assume that the Earth follows a circular orbit around the Sun, following is demonstration of the five Lagrange points. The Lagrange point L1 is marked as "Aditya L1".