Sign up for Navy League Cadets

Fantastic! We will love to have your child or children as part of our program . You do not have to be a resident of North Vancouver, we have Cadets from all over the Northshore and Burnaby.

Your child must be be between the ages of 9-12 to join, and we welcome Girls and Boys.

On our forms page we have an application form and a medical form, please fill these out as we need the information to be able to ensure the safety of your child, contact you and for insurance purposes.

There is a fee to cover the basic costs, if your family cannot pay the fee, please contact us and we will confidentially find a way to include your child in the program.

All of our Officers and volunteers are vetted by the RCMP and a high standard of behaviour is maintained and expected from our Officers and volunteers.

Currently we run our program in English, but we are actively trying to recruit Officers and Volunteers who can speak Farsi and Mandurian. If you are interested in helping out as well please see our Volunteer page

Uniforms are provided after a Cadet completes 4 parades (or equivalent) and returned when the Cadets leaves the program.

Our expectations from the parents and Cadets is that they arrive slightly early to parade nights, that uniform items are maintained (preferably by the Cadets themselves). That Cadets treat the Officers and other Cadets with respect and that lawful orders given are obeyed. That the building and equipment be treated with respect.

Our program is built around teaching the Cadets self-respect, respect for others and growing into their potential, with a focus on leadership skills.