2015 October 28 meeting minutes

Minutes of the October 28 meeting of the NJSAA.

Present: Marc Mappen, Karl Niederer, Richard Waldron, Loraine Waldron, Laura Poll, Bonita Grant, Tara Maharjan, Christie Lutz, Bob Vietrogoski, Julia Telonidis, Gary Saretzky, Raymond Frey, Paul Israel, Tim Corlis, Brian Regal, Lisa Nocks, Jessica Meyers, Fernanda Perrone, Jon Lurie.

The meeting was convened at 3:15 PM by Maxine Lurie in the Pane Room, Alexander Library, Rutgers-New Brunswick.

The minutes of the previous (April) minutes were approved.

Treasury Report: Dick Waldron pointed out that we are fiscally in good shape. The opening balance in April was $925.25; the closing balance six months later was $1,379.26. We are in good standing with the IRS.

Membership: Karl Niederer and others have stepped into the void caused by the departure of Carla Zimmerman. Karl reported that the NJSAA currently has 73 members in good standing and 62 paid for next year. Karl agreed to keep the NJSAA brochure up to date.*** Tara Maharjan will oversee the Website and help with the Facebook page.

Planning and Fund Raising Committee: Jessica Meyers agreed to be chair.


-Gary Saretsky reported that Ron Becker has won the Librarian Award [which was presented at Archives Day].

-Ray Frey announced that Professor Abigail Perkiss of Kean University had been approved for the College level teacher award.*

-Paul Israel’s committee still evaluating the graduate student awards.**

[Teaching and student paper awards will be presented at the New Jersey Historical Commission Conference on November 21, 2015]

NJSAA Speakers

-At 4:15pm the business portion of the meeting adjourned, and was succeeded by a presentation: “The Jersey Devil: The Real Story.” The speaker was Brian Regal of Kean University, and his talk was appropriate to the Halloween season.

-Laura Poll is seeking participants for the NJSAA lecture series. She has two possibilities for winter and spring meetings, one on the Lenape Indians and the second a presentation on railroads in New Jersey.

​Respectfully submitted

Marc Mappen​

Decisions after the meeting:

*The Committee also decided on a K-8 grade award for Kristen McClurg who teaches the fourth grade at Paradise Knoll Elementary School in West Milford Township.

**The Committee decided to award the paper submitted by Jonathan D. Cohen, PhD candidate at the University of Virginia.

***Renewals, question about membership status, should be addressed to Karl Niederer (see NJSAA website)