2015 December 2 meeting minutes

Minutes of the December 2, 2015 meeting of the NJSAA.

Present: Marc Mappen, Karl Niederer, Richard Waldron, Loraine Waldron, Laura Poll, Bonita Grant, Bob Vietrogoski, Julia Telonidis, Gary Saretzky, Paul Israel, Ron Becker, Tim Corlis, Fernanda Perrone, Jon Lurie, John Delaney, Joe Grabas, James Gigantino. Others? Total c.27

The meeting was convened at 3:10 PM by Maxine Lurie in the Pane Room, Alexander Library, Rutgers-New Brunswick.

The minutes of the previous (October 28, 2015) minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Dick Waldron pointed an opening balance of $1,379.26 and a closing balance of $1,045.78. All expenditures were for the awards given (for the certificates and for the Graduate Student Award). There was only one student award this year and if there are more next year NJSAA needs to raise additional funds.

Membership Report. New and renewals. (Karl Niederer). Karl provided an extensive report on the status of the membership: there are 74 paid up members; 31 have not paid for this year or last, and 32 have not paid for 2 or more years. He asked for authorization to drop those who have not paid for several years. The consensus seemed to be to try to get a few more to renew before proceeding. Anyone with a question about their membership status should address it to Karl Niederer (see NJSAA website).

Brochure: Karl has updated the information on the brochure.

Logo: he also submitted a proposal for a new logo, which was accepted.

Data base: he asked for help in designing an Access database, and Gary Saretzky agreed to do this.

Website/Facebook page. (Tara Maharjan). Tara was unable to attend, but sent in a report that there were 124 likes on Facebook. She asked anyone with news to share to please contact her.

Committee on Author Awards. (Deborah Mercer). Deborah made the arrangements for the three 2015 award winners to participate in the discussion that followed the meeting.

Committee on the Award for a Librarian. (Gary Saretzky). Gary Saretzy stepped off the committee, and Bob Vietrogoski agreed to take his place as chair. [After the meeting Rebecca Altermatt from the Special Collections Library at Rowan University agreed to join the committee]

Committee on Teaching Awards. (Raymond Frey). Unable to attend the chair sent his thanks to Richard Waldron and Paul Israel for their help this fall.

Stellhorn Award Committee – for undergraduate papers (Richard Waldron). There was a brief discussion about how to encourage more paper submissions.

Graduate student papers awards (Paul Israel). The winning paper, submitted by Jonathan D. Cohen a PhD candidate at the University of Virginia, will appear in the Winter issue of New Jersey Studies.

NJSAA Lecture Series. Schedule of future events (Laura Poll). Dates for winter and spring meetings were discussed. * After the meeting arrangements were made for (1) Jean Soderlund to speak on Wednesday, February 24th. NOTE the meeting with be at 2pm, and the lecture c.3pm. (2) Philip Papas to speak on Monday April 18. NOTE the meeting will be at 5pm, and the talk c.6pm. The changes made from the usual meeting time reflect the availability of the room and speakers.

Committee on Planning/Fund Raising (Jessica Meyers). The name of the Committee was changed to Development Committee. The members will discuss ideas via email.

4:15 pm Presentations by the NJSAA 2015 Book Award Winners. James Gigantino, The Ragged Road to Abolition, Scholarly book; John Delaney –Nova Caesarea, Reference work; and Joseph Grabas, Owning New Jersey, Popular category. With a great deal of help from the technical staff at Rutgers University Libraries Prof. Gigantino participated from Arkansas.

Respectfully submitted

Marc Mappen​